Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Almost As Bad As I Was Afraid It Would Be

It wasn't bad going out; one to two inches at most.  (Still gave myself enough time to get to work through side streets ... and I actually made it on time!)  But as of press time I think we got 8 1/2 inches.  And it ain't fuckin' over yet.

The only saving grace, I guess, was me getting cut from work early.  I was told by my boss' boss that that there were no shipments of piss because, well, the weather was so bad that the flights bringing them into town couldn't land at MSP.  Usually I would be so upset that I was losing work.  But instead I saw this as an opportunity to get a jump on my shoveling.

But I didn't.  See, I got cut from work around lunchtime, so I had thoughts dancing in my head of going to Subway and using my gift card before heading home and beginning to shovel with a full belly and calories ready to burn.  And there was a Subway right close to work that I spied.  But when I went into the parking lot I ... stayed there.  Spinning my wheels and everything.  Shit.  That was a sign that, you know, maybe I should just go home.  And I tried to, but I couldn't until two guys helped push me to a non-snowy spot in the parking lot.  And then I got stuck trying to get onto a main road.  Man, I know I pissed off the cars (and at least one truck) behind me as I going back and forth trying to find a dry patch from which my car could get traction and go.  And just before I got home I got stuck a third time, and yes, I got out with the help of a third generous fellow who pushed my car forward.  They will never read this, but thank you, thank you, thank you to them for getting me home safe.  And apologies again to everyone I held up because my low-clearance car couldn't get through the snow.

Saw that my driveway was damned up because the city plows already cleared the street, plus most of the damage from this blizzard came while I was at work (the forecasters were right when they said it was going to snow heavily at times), so maybe it wouldn't have made much of a difference; in all likelihood, I would have come back to the same shit mess at 4 p.m. as I did at 12:15.  (And by the by, my boneheaded attempt to eat lunch outside cost me between 15 and 20 extra minutes.)  But with the garage door still broken? frozen shut, it was shoveling time.  And the forecasters were also right when they said this was the wet, heavy kind.  Add to it that when snow is cleared by the city plows onto the end of the driveway, it gets crustier and even heavier (the latter IMHO).  It's certainly not done; after trying to see if I can fix the fucking garage door, I need/want to shovel some more.  But after I immediately got home I did what I really, really had to do: Shovel enough of the driveway to get my car on the property.  The second time I shoveled this afternoon (after eating a portion of my leftover spaghetti and masturbating to porn on the Internet -- yeah, maybe I could have spent my surprise time off work better), and presumably every single time I trudge outside for the rest of the night, is to clear that back-breaking heart-attack snow at the end of the driveway.  There's no way I'm going to get my whole driveway cleared, but the worst of the stuff, that's what I want to try and haul onto to my and my neighbor's yards.


I hate this winter.  I continually say Minnesota life is so good because the winters keep the pussies out.  But I'm fucking hating this winter.  And the blizzards aren't stopping; two more of these goddamn things are coming by this weekend.  Fuck me.

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