Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Believe It Or Not, The Winter Has Broken Me Even Further

It may be because I'm feeling the pressure of getting my shit in order in anticipation of my parents coming home.  But the Seasonal Affective Disorder, which I thought bit me in the ass early last week, has sunk its teeth in me even harder yesterday.  That's when the snow, which I thought was forecast to be a nuisance one, turned out to have lasted throughout the entire afternoon and, much to my chagrin, evening.  I think it's snowing even as I type this.  And so my morning commute will be hell, and I'll have to fuckin' get up early in order to use the side streets in order to make it to work on time.

It is a pain in the ass that my day revolves around shoveling.  It dictates everything you do.  I wanted to go to the movies yesterday because it was Discount Tuesday.  But the afternoon snow forced me to use side streets, and so I was too late to see They Shall Not Grow Old, the World War I documentary.  Took that as a sign I should start throwing away my stuff and straightening out the house.  But, dammit, I needed to shovel a part of the driveway so I could drive my car up in to it, and coming down from that chore compelled me to just get onto my bed and lay there.  I've done that a lot, and I hate that I get lazy after I have to deal with shoveling snow, again and again and again, this month.

And that white shit ain't done.  There's going to be a sizable snowstorm Friday.  Wanted to go to the Gopher men's hockey game that evening, but that ain't gonna fuckin' happen now -- because I have to shovel, again.

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