Saturday, February 23, 2019

Well, Fuck You, Asshole, Now You've Ruined That Part Of My Job

I have the permanent mindset that something will go wrong, deeply wrong, in everything I do and see.  And yet I am disappointed in myself that I am surprised by violent behavior.

So I was at work last night.  So (also) there is this guy who, I don't know, is kind of high up on the food chain.  Talked to him once about the Gopher football team, and that's it.  Anyway, he asked for a folder whose description had us all in the department stumped.  One girl, who just started as is incredibly nice, went back to him for a clarification, and she returned saying that he was not happy he needed to, uh, translate his request.

His request was three folders.  We found the one that we couldn't understand, but after everybody who I asked left for the day, I couldn't find one of the others.  Usually, this means that another department has it.  As far as I know, whenever a request for a folder comes back unfulfilled, it is understood that this department has it.  In that case, the requester either just chills until it circulates back to my department, or you get it yourself.

On my way down to this guy's office, just as I was turning the corner, I hear him yell, just absolute scream, "I don't have the freakin' work!!!"  Just then he sees me: "Are those the folders?" and after I nod a quick and timid nod he shouts out a quasi-sarcastic, "Thank you!"

However, he noticed that I gave him only two of the three folders.  "Where is it?" he asked.  And I was stunned, I ... I didn't know how to answer him except, "I can't find it.  They must have it."

"No.  That can't be right.  The folder's from two weeks ago.  You must have it."

"Um, I'll try and take another look."

"OK.  Thank you."

And that's where my very nice co-worker was so helpful to me.  Because I have no goddamn clue how to deal with a bully like him.  So I basically begged for a way to get out of this by walking up to her and telling her that he wasn't happy.  That's when she took charge, I got the hell away from the situation, and she began digging around.

Finally (and this is where I don't have the whole story because I was avoiding him like fucking crazy) he finally calmed himself down.  The key apparently was getting this department we all thought this missing folder was involved in this guy's search.  It had to do with results from a lab; it was so wonky that, I'm guessing, it was put in a folder different from the one the guy thought it was in.  Turns out he asked for the wrong folder.

With that all gone, I could just go about my day, which was otherwise without incident.  But I was at he break room when he, about to leave for the day, wished me a good weekend.  You lash out -- maybe not at me, but I was there -- and you wish me a good weekend?  Who the hell are you, Amy Klobuchar?  But I made small talk with him anyway and wished him a good night.

No matter.  I can't see this guy in the same way again.  And to think people put up with bullshit like this -- bullshit that will no doubt escalate.

I should update my resume.

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