Friday, February 22, 2019

This Schedule Is Kind Of Screwing Me Up

At work yesterday/Thursday I was asked by my boss if I could shift positions and, uh, shifts for today/Friday in order to fill in for someone.  The only other person who could do it demurred, so even though I could have gone to this local Mensa gathering or the Elton John concert, either event wasn't enough for me to pitch in at work and volunteer to fill in.

And this is 1:30-10, just like the last week of 2018, when I also filled in for the same person who does second shift.  And like I said before, I like that situation -- the hours, the work, the pace and the isolation.  Unfortunately, because this is one day only and it came on one day's notice, my sleep schedule is all fouled up.  Well, I do like what I'm doing now, namely staying up and waking up as late as 11 (even though I could and should wake up a bit earlier than that if I want to buy food for dinner at work) without worrying about fatigue.

But to feel that way right now, I got some sleep in early with two cat naps.  The first nap was around 6:30, so that probably was in response to staying up during work yesterday.  But the second one was around midnight for about a half-hour.  Yeah, I took a 30-minute nap around midnight.  I'm afraid that just killed my body clock.  Now, I felt really refreshed.  I got some chores done overnight: Shoveling the rest of the driveway, washing my thermals, and finally starting to go through bags of my stuff.  But I really need to feel refreshed when I get into work, and feeling wide awake now means I'll probably crash once I get to work.  And even though I should be a hard-charging machine for second shift hours, I'm scared that I'll be as sluggish as I am in my current shift.  Oof.

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