Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Fuck?! Is It Blinking?!

OK, so I've delayed in getting the oil in my car changed because even when my car said that my oil only had 5% of life left, I'm thinking, "Shoot, I don't want to waste that oil!"  So I've been driving around and thinking I had, oh, two weeks before it went to 0%.  That's when I'd go to the dealership for an oil change.  I've done that before.  I think.

So coming home from work (with a pit stop at a local pizza place I've wanted to go to) it goes to 0.  But it does more than that.  The "0" on my indicator dashboard starts blinking.  I swear I didn't see it blink the last I did that.  And so it's freaking me out.  Because anything that blinks automatically freaks someone out.  That's why people make things blink.  To freak other people out, and so they'll do something to stop the blinking, and do that fast.

So I'm freaking out.  Too bad tomorrow's Sunday, when the dealership is closed.  And then on Monday I want to go all the way out to Apple Valley for a stripper party.  I don't think the car is going to break down or anything.  But after I parked the car at home I looked through the instructions, and apparently the oil life indicator can actually go below 0, like "-10%."  Now I know I've never driven my car to that level.  What's it going to do then?  Blink faster?  Sound a horn?  Call the cops?  Whatever it is, I'll have to see it for, like, 80 miles on Monday.

And who knows if I can bring it in on Monday.  I haven't been to the website yet to make an appointment, but I doubt there'll be a time Monday when I want.  In fact, who knows if I'll be able to bring it in any time soon.  So in the meantime I'll have this headache of a reminder I can't stop looking away from.  It might prevent me from going places I want to go.  Shit, man, I might not want to go to Apple Valley if I have to see that damn thing blinking in my face the whole time.

And I need to print out a coupon, too!  I'm not gonna pay full price for an oil change!  Where am I gonna find the time to get that?!

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