Thursday, December 21, 2023

Actually, I Should Be Depressed, But For Some Reason, I'm Not

With the owner's permission, I drove my broke-down car to his shop.  Even though he says he can't see it until tomorrow/Friday, I told him I didn't know if I had the time to drive it over tonight/Thursday night, like I initially wanted to.  Didn't tell him I planned on going to My Favorite Stripclub (Cover Division); more on that in a bit.

Honestly, my car drove fine.  Maybe I could drive it anywhere.  But those goddamn four indicator lights are still on, and so I have to get those checked out.  I looked at the Internet to make sure I knew what the indicator lights were indicating; I wanted to write them down on the envelope in which I was throwing my fob so they knew what was wrong.  I came across this website from a helpful Honda dealership in Ann Arbor, Mich.  And what it says actually calmed me down: "The good news is that not all dashboard warning lights require panic or anxiety," and, "Yellow means that you should drive with caution and have the problem checked out at your earlier convenience."  Those four lights are yellow.  And I drove cautiously, and the car gave me no problems.  I didn't hyperventilate once.  And it may have been because I read what I read just before I drove my jalopy to the shop.

Anyway, I'm hoping all of them came on as a result of the recent (and relative) cold snap that reached its lowest point Monday evening, when I started the car and when my dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree.  Therefore, maybe it just needs the lights to be reset.  Or, this guy is going to tell me the damn car needs two grand to get fixed.  If so, I'll just go, "Welp, he's the mechanic, whatever he says goes!"


My plan was to see my ATF, ******a, tonight/Thursday night.  But she prefer me cum tomorrow/Friday or Saturday.  I had planned on spending Saturday at the Megamall.  That's why I wanted to see her tonight, even though her club is on the way to MOA.  But if I get to the club early enough in the evening, I can see her and then go shopping.  That way I can do both things on one trip.

OK, Saturday it is.  And you know, I felt kind of a burden lifted off my shoulders.  I don't know why.  Despite my pessimism, the minivan is working just fine -- even very well.  I think it could have made the trek down to the strip club and back.  Me being Eeyore is the only reason I was scared that that car would break down out in the middle of nowhere.  But since ******a wants me to see her later in the week, that anxiety has just vanished.  And you know, there are some things closer to the metro area I should and could do instead.  I need to pick up a lemon and a lime because I don't plan on leaving the house on Christmas Day.  I could go to a speakeasy after work.  Mother wants me to go to a bank and pick up money for her, even though my parents are not even in the country right now.  All those things I can do now that I am not seeing my ATF tonight like I planned.

Of course, I might be staying at work long enough that I can't do any of those things.  And who knows, maybe the minivan will still break down closer to home.  But despite all my negative thoughts, I feel relatively unburdened right now.

I drank some leftover wine ****e* left for me when she cleaned the house.  Maybe that's why.

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