Thursday, December 7, 2023

Bad Fruit

There's an on-site commissary at work.  It's not staffed, unless you call a surveillance camera "staff."  So you're basically on the honor system if you want food from there, although you'll obviously need a credit card.

Sometimes the person who swaps out food leaves what he is taking out for us workers as free food.  One of those packages, which someone (maybe that worker, maybe someone from the company) put in our refrigerator, was a fruit pack.  Someone wrote "FREE" on it, so obviously it was for the taking.  But no one took it, day after day I kept opening that door to the fridge when getting my creamer.  So finally, I think on Monday, I took it and brought it home.  And last/Wednesday night, after coming home from work, then the Timberwolves Game, then getting gasoline for my car and a Gatorade for working out tonight/Thursday night, I was still kind of hungry, so I ate it.

Fruit has never tasted how it tasted to me.  It was ... blech.  There was a nasty taste to it, as if it were, well, moldy and expired.  It didn't look expired.  And the plastic package it was in had a safety seal: I ripped a tab off the package, and then I popped off the lid.  I don't think it was exposed or anything.  I guess I just left it in the work fridge, day after day, and it got to ... that state.

Well, I powered through because I don't want to waste any food.  Don't know why.  I am not suffering any gastrointestinal distress, but I have this nagging paranoia now that I just ate something akin to bad English beef, and like with mad cow disease I have just eaten a prion that is now going to eat my brain.  So if something like that occurs to me over the next months, or if I don't wake up in the morning because I poisoned myself, or if I die some time between those two time periods because of some bad food-borne disease I picked up from the fruit, well, you now know why.

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