Sunday, December 17, 2023

This Has Been A Very Good Weather Weekend

It's my kind of weather -- overcast, not hot nor humid.  Daytime highs have been above freezing today and yesterday -- and I think Friday and Thursday, too.  It could be ten or even 20 degrees warmer, and it has been raining so it could be less damp.  But hey, at least it isn't 19 degrees (feeling like only 7 above) with snow on the ground, which it was on this date last year.

What it has felt like this weekend is fall-like, what you typically expect in November, even October.  I took a walk after my first taste test yesterday/Saturday afternoon because I wanted to enjoy the cloudy weather (and totally avoid catching the end of the Vikings Game, which, of course, they lost).  There are new signs along 694 indicating a Mississippi River recreation area that is close by, and I decided to take the county up on its advertising by finally driving down there exploring the trails around there for half an hour.  Don't know why some of the parking lots and trails are closed to driving through, but I managed to get some exercise in while trying to quiet my mind and stay in the moment.  When you look up to the sky and see clouds and no overpowering sun, and you're not bothered by shivering, sweating (well, at least not too much sweating, I was walking), insects or slipping and falling on ice ... man, how can I complain?

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