Sunday, July 29, 2018

Two World Cup-Related Things

It's been two weeks since the final, so I should do this now.

1) Remember the law firm gig, the one where I and three others were unceremoniously dumped from working?  Our first day was the first match of the World Cup, and our last day was the day of the first Semifinal.  In other words, Russia 2018 coincided, mostly, with what may be the last temp job I ever have.

2) If I had to pick one place to watch soccer, frankly, I'll go to the Nomad.  No offense to Brit's, maybe the most (and I mean this as a compliment) regal soccer pub in the Twin Cities, and oh-so, well, British.  And no offense either to The Nomad, the most, uh, Irish (I think?) pub in town.  There is one guy there who controls the sports that are shown on the TVs, and for his expertise and passion for soccer alone I think anybody in the city can rely on him.

But if there is any proletariat soccer pub in MSP, it would be the Nomad.  It's right in the middle of Cedar-Riverside, the place where most Somali refugees migrated to when leaving war-torn Somalia, so in many ways the Nomad is in an island.  And yet the grittiness that's conjured up in my head makes it the perfect place to take in a match.  There are other elements that make me think this is the right place for me to watch.  There's one huge room, although there is a patio and bocce ball lawns outside.  They don't serve food besides Heggie's pizzas, although the Nomad had a food truck for most games of the World Cup.  There are four TVs inside, the biggest of which is a projection screen that sits at the end of a stage that is used for music acts that play some evenings.  And while the bartenders don't seem to be total soccer geeks, the vibe of the customers who do come over to watch makes this my kind of soccer pub.

But I'll be honest.  A few times this World Cup I saw this new bartender, one I hadn't seen before the tournament.  And she's fucking hot.  Slim, long black hair, and she would always, always wear tops that are too short and jeans that are too low, showing off her fucking hot torso and her fucking hot tattoos.  Holy fuck, I got hard whenever I saw her tend bar.  So yeah, I like the Nomad for her, too.

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