Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Very Sleepy, And Not Very Horny

I'm guessing it's the heat, although it could be my health, but for the past couple weeks I've been dejectedly tired.  I blogged in the past about the ease with which I've been napping, but it's kind of reached its nadir when I come home and fall asleep (and apart) after dinner.  I've felt exhausted when I come home, and it's not as if I've done anything strenuous during my day.  Hell, like I said, I've been able to nap during the day and I'm still tired at night.

I say this after I did it last night.  After struggling to stay awake for The Middle (and I'm glad that ABC is still re-running the show even though it's officially ended), I finally listened to my body and laid in bed starting at around 8.  I was rousted awake first by hearing what I thought was the air conditioning turn on and then, in a first, seeing Father open my bedroom door and the crack from the hallway light burst into a beatific glow.  I don't know what prompted him not to knock, but he wanted to make sure the window in my bedroom was closed.  I opened it because it was stuffy in my bedroom but also because, frankly, the dew point is low enough that I don't think we need the AC on.  I, sans shirt, got up to close the window and I've been up since, which was approximately 10:30.  Meanwhile, My Father continues to complain that all I do is sleep after I get home from "work."  Well, I'm not coming home to eat tomorrow because I'll be going to a stripper party working out, so hopefully him invading my privacy won't be something he'll bring up passive-aggressively later.

That being said, maybe the cooler temperatures is just what I need to stay awake.


About that stripper party: Even though I can't afford it, I'm going to the first house party I've been to in ... oh, I want to say two months, though that's a total guess.  I've surprised myself in being, for lack of a better word, diligent in not going to these parties as the money has slowed to a trickle.  I didn't think I had the capacity to do that; I thought my penis was going to overrule my brain and my wallet and sink me into destitution.  But I looked at my checking account and decided I just could not spend that much money.  Well, I did in fucking *a*** last week.  But that was the first time I've schtupped her, or anyone, in at least two months as well.

I was helped into saving money as well.  The parties I was invited to either was occurring while I was at work or was so far away that I simply didn't want to drive.  But this one tonight is very close, plus there are many girls there to who I have declined invitations to parties recently, and I think it's time to go to one of these things.  I may not have the money, but I do have the time.

What I might not have, however, is the energy or, uh, the "life essence."  I masturbated a lot since fucking *a*** on Thursday, but I usually try to save myself a few days before going to a party to make sure I have a vigorous orgasm.  But I totally forgot about the party when I jerked off last night to Vintage Erotica Forum, which makes me scared that I'll be all pudded out for the party.  Hey, maybe seeing all these faces for the first time in a long time will reinvigorate me.  But maybe it won't.  I sure hope I do.  Otherwise, going there is a waste of money I don't necessarily have.

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