Sunday, December 30, 2018

Who's The On-Call Blowjob Whore?

Still blown (tee-hee!) away by the findings of the independent investigation into Les Moonves's long and vast history of sexual misconduct.  As a result, CBS has found cause not to pay him a severance of -- holy shit -- $120 million.

There is one finding by CBS investigators that, frankly, arouses me.  It is also unclear to me; as I have seen article after article breaking down the lengthy report, there may be multiple women, they may all have been promised acting roles or jobs with CBS, and they may all have felt coerced by Moonves.  I wish that the facts were much clearer on this.

However, one of the salacious takeaways these articles, um, take away from the report is the allegation, backed up and confirmed by several people interviewed for the investigation, that Moonves hired a subordinate whose main, or sole, job it was to suck his dick at his office whenever he wanted.  Now again, the articles I've read are not entirely clear whether she did this against her will, whether she felt pressured to do this in order to break into the business, or even if she is the only person who served under Moonves in such a situation.

But I can't help thinking this in a perverted way.  She is hired, and just so she has something to do, she, like, files during the day.  However, from time to time Moonves calls her and says, "I need you up in my office."  And everybody in the office knows he's actually saying, "I need you up in my office to suck my dick."  And she's totally cool with it.  Like, he actually interviewed her, and he said, "I'll be honest with you -- your main duty with this job is to suck my cock whenever I want you to."  And she said, "Sure, I'll do it!"

I'll be honest: If that's the case -- if there absolutely was no transactional relationship besides, "You are hired to blow me" -- then ... I want my own on-call blowjob whore!  I mean, that sounds fucking awesome!

And yes, I need to know who the hell this on-call blowjob whore is.  I want to know why she did, and why, if this is the case, she was cool with it.  And then I would want to know what her price is to suck my own dick.  And then I might actually go back to school in order to get a job powerful enough where I could get my own on-call blowjob whore!

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