Monday, December 24, 2018

Things Are Just Bothering The Hell Out Of Me Right Now On This Christmas Eve

Alright, so first an addendum on the three family things I'm doing:

  1. Didn't talk to my aunt in Hong Kong yet.  Thought I had her number.  I don't know where I put it.  I swear I have it.  I just don't know where it is.
  2. Grandmother's best friend was sleeping by the time I got to the nursing home.  I don't like getting woken up, so even though I schlepped my ass all the way there, I wasn't going to wake her up, either.  That means that I need to see her again soon -- probably later this week, when I work second shift and thus can squeeze some time in before heading off to work.  Don't like using up my car and gas for this, but hey, what can you do?
  3. Brother wasn't being a dick when I went to their place yesterday.  No, he was a dick to his wife.  I should touch more on that, but let me throw this out right now: I think the sins of our parents continue to live on, and even thrive, in us.  Besides that, things actually were great -- ate, watched football, didn't feel too much static because my brother was looking at his tablet.  And my niece recognized me too, and she was nice to me ... well, after being fussy because she didn't want to get up at 1:30 in the afternoon.
Yep, things went so great with the visit that ... I'm going back this afternoon, for dinner.  I had plans to, uh, be alone, but it's family, and I need to patch things up and be a responsible family member, so yeah, I'm going, even though this won't allow me to just dawdle at the Megamall or dawdle at Southdale.  I'll have to get slices at The Cheesecake Factory a lot sooner and then leave them in the car.  And I still want to go out for a drink on Christmas Eve and I hope to Buddha I still have the energy for it.

And on top of all that, My Father texted me late last night telling me to sell off stocks.  I was going to do that, but his password doesn't work.  We went through this about a month ago, and I swear it worked then, but it's not working now.  And I feel as though this stock is just sinking like a stone now.  But I can't sell it.  And all I can think of is how mad My Fucking Father's gonna be.

Oh, and they still might come home early.  I just bought sandwich and spaghetti food for myself, and it might go to waste because they might be coming home early.  Fucking great.

I need to go now.

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