Monday, October 16, 2023

Beset On All Sides

It's a testament to how many problems are in my life right now that I spent the weekend replacing the car battery on the minivan and I still don't think I accomplished much.

The damn electrostatic cells are clack-clack-clacking still, but at least I know for sure that it's the cells and not the pre- or post-filters or something more major.  Huge credit to Father, though, I must say; although it seems so simple now, he suggested that I take out the pre-filters and then run the furnace to see if the ticking continued.  Make an experiment out of this by isolating each individual part to hone in on where specifically the problem is -- of course!  I think I was afraid I'd break the furnace, but at this point, who cares.  And even though I kind of knew it was the cells, running the furnace without them and hearing nothing but beautiful silence was the evidence I need and, more importantly, it gave me the feeling that I am successfully working toward a solution, even though I felt like I knew what it was.  Now I just have to get over hearing that noise whenever the heat comes on.  I get so on edge hearing it that I would rather the furnace be off, and that's not good because I can't let the house freeze either.

The next thing I need to worry about are the yards.  I plan on making one final mow of both in the morning (or early afternoon), then seed them both.  Easy job, but I might be pushing it if I procrastinate.  It's great to do this when I am working second shift, but my body clock will be out of whack for at least a day, so I'm hoping I can come through with my plans.

Oh, and then the leaves, the damn leaves.  I will mow the ones on the yards to mulch -- I think they say that's a good thing -- but we're at peak now, which means there are many more leaves that have yet to fall.  Last year I tried raking them all, but I failed.  This year I don't even want to bag them up and take them to the county composting site.  I'd rather take out the lawnmower and mulch the hell out of them again.  But that also takes time.

Eh, so beset on all sides. ...

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