Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The After-Second Shift Munchies

I weighed 176 pounds on Monday.  Very disappointing for me.  Didn't think I ate that much up to that point, but assuming the scale isn't broken, it don't lie.

I am working second shift Monday through today, then getting the rest of the week off.  (Tomorrow/Thursday the guy from the sprinkler company is coming over to winterize the system, and I want to be there for that.  Then, I have some paid time off to burn, so I thought to just make a long weekend over it.)  I usually buy sandwiches beforehand to eat for lunch, then drink tea and the pop I also bought, and that would be my dinner.  That doesn't seem that calorie-rich, and I don't think it is.  But in each of the past two days, and for all I can remember every time I work second shift, as soon as I get home past midnight, I'm eating something.  This time around it's either Doritos with french onion dip or peanuts.  I think my diligence at work is suppressing my body and my appetite so that once I'm done, my urge to eat is unleashed like an animal freed from a cage.  And depending on how much I eat (which, if you remember, is on top of the sandwich and pop and tea I usually consume at work), it might blow my self-imposed calorie restriction.

But I'm hungry, darn it, you know?  Eh, I might as well be on laxatives on a regular basis if I want to lose weight. ...

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