Sunday, June 2, 2024

Blasts From The Past

The past two days I have been hanging out with my friend and his extended family because his son got married yesterday/Saturday.  I knew when we were young it was going to happen, but still, seeing my friend's son get married is one of those milestones you never think you'd ever live long enough to see.  Hell, I'm surprised I have friends who have kids.

His extended family includes several of his relatives with whom I went to high school with.  Also, our mutual friend flew over from Arizona.  I hadn't seen nor spoken with most of these guys in years, if not decades.  I at first thought it would be super weird to see them after so long, but like old friends, I greeted them and was immediately comfortable with them, as if we hadn't skipped a bit.  The rehearsal dinner after-dinner Friday and the wedding and reception yesterday/Saturday were nice.  The reception was long -- we aren't the party animals we were my friend's kid's age -- but the past two days were nice.  And I'm glad I decided to go.

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