Thursday, June 6, 2024

Got Burned By SeatGeek ... In A Way

I just checked my e-mail ... finally got an answer back from SeatGeek.  He just reiterated that the promo code is a one-time use one, so that I need to find something that costs at least $151 that I can use.  Oh, and he totally ignored what the other SeatGeek rep said, that I was able to use that promo code more than once if an event I wanted to pay for cost less than $151that I was able to use that promo code more than once if an event I wanted to pay for cost less than $151.

I am upset.  I was told that I could break up the credit into more than one event, and I'm told that I can't.  I will remind this person who just e-mailed me that his co-worker told me something different -- what the hell happened?  But ... now that I think about it, maybe this won't be that much of a problem.  You see, my alma mater's football team has a huge Game to kick off their season in Las Vegas Labor Eve.  My parents have a place there.  Flights to Vegas are plentiful, and they might be reasonable, even if it is a holiday.  And tickets are more than the $151 threshold I need to use that promo code.  It might be financially feasible to take a quick jaunt out to Vegas to watch my college football team and use the promo code, especially if I can catch a break on the price of the ticket.  In that sense, getting the credit broken into two or three pieces would in fact be unwieldy because I then would've needed to find two or three events for which to use them on, and I can't guarantee I would be able to find them.

Still, I've been misled, and I have to yell at SeatGeek about that.  Unfortunately there's nothing I can do, I'm afraid.  This is the company that holds my MNUFC season-ticketholder account.

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