Sunday, June 23, 2024

Doin' The Trip!!!

So today/Sunday I plan on going to the Black Hart to see a Tripleheader of soccer Matches, sort of.  The Euros are now in their final Group Stage Matches, so all the teams that are in the same Group play their Matches at the same time so no one knows beforehand what they need to do to advance.  That means that at 2 p.m., two Matches, Switzerland-Germany and Scotland-Hungary, will go off concurrently.  That will be followed with Copa America action, namely the USA! USA! USA! playing Bolivia at 5 p.m., and then, perfectly situated at 8 p.m., Uruguay-Panamá.

And I plan to sit my butt -- whenever I'm not pacing -- at The Only Queer Soccer Bar On Planet Earth to watch this Tripleheader.  #DoinTheTrip, I'm calling it.  This was important enough for me that, when my boss blindsided me last week when he needed someone to fill in at work today/Sunday, I told him I could only come in for part of it.  It would now be customary to "make up" for working today by having one day off this week, but apparently the maximum number of people who can take a day off has been reached for all six days this week, so I will be working the rest of my usual work week (Monday through Friday) and just accruing overtime, which I guess has been authorized.  I would be making more money if I worked eight hours today instead of the four for which I am scheduled -- but I'm not because I am #DoinTheTrip!

But that's not all!  There will be a Doubleheader set of Quarterfinals for both continental tournaments, exquisitely paced at 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m., Saturday, July 6, and dammit, I am doing that, too!  I call that #DoinTheQuad ... and I've done it once before, if you recall, on Sunday, November 22, 2022, when the World Cup was doing a Quadrupleheader of Group Stage Matches.  I didn't think I would be able to do that again, at least not until the WC rolled around again in 2026, but I didn't foresee the Euros and the Copa America taking virtually the same schedule as each other so that their Matches on a single Day could line up like this.  Yay for a soccer sicko like me!

Moreover!  There was a possibility yesterday/Saturday that I could have taken in a frickin' Quintupleheader because there was a Tripleheader of Euros and a Doubleheader of Copa Group Stage Matches evenly spaced out at 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m.  I was going to advertise here that I was #DoinTheQuint, but then I saw that Minnesota United had a Match in the evening, and I'm a season-ticketholder, so I had to go, and I might as well go to the library to fax something if I wasn't going to be able to #DoinTheQuint.  Maybe I should have: The Loons lost a very winnable Game to an extremely mid Austin squad, 1-0, in what was the most lackadaisical performance by MNUFC I have ever seen.  I was borderline pissed to see them not care to play last/Saturday night.  Anyway, I hope there will be an opportunity in the future, possibly if the Copa America and the Euro basically hold their 2028 tournaments at the same time, to stay at one place for 14-5 hours to just watch soccer.

In the meantime, I hope four hours at work won't tire me out to #DoinTheTrip.  This truly is one of the highlights of my year!!!

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