Friday, June 7, 2024

Stay At Home? No. Sexytime Jag It Is!

Despite probably not having the money to do so, it has been a while since I've gotten my pee-pee touched.  And it always seems as though invitations to stripper parties coincide with booty texts from my stripper girlfriends where they go, "Hey, I'm lonely, you wanna cum over?"  Now, in times like these I also get a little horny, so I might also be texting my stripper girlfriends where I go, "So, you wanna jerk me off or what?"

I am in that spate now.  It actually started from a text I got from ***u** Tuesday afternoon, whom I haven't heard from in a long while.  She has teamed up with her usual partner in crime, ****e, to host a party at this guy's place in north Minneapolis.  It's fun times.  Unfortunately, it was last/Thursday night, and after all the nights I've gone out and spent money this week, I really, really just wanted to veg out at home.  Also, ***u** owes me $50 because she was desperate for groceries for her children, and I don't feel comfortable seeing her for anything until we address that.  I usually have fun times with her and ****e over there, but this didn't seem to be the right time.

I was going to text another of my stripper girlfriends, ******e, if I could drive down to south Minneapolis this weekend so she can give me a handjob.  Well, she texted me out of the blue Tuesday evening, telling me that her partner in crime, my beloved ***e*, will be in town from Wisconsin.  I owe those two a double team, and neither one of them owes me money, so I arranged an appointment.  I really wanted Sunday afternoon, but ***e* is back on the road by then, so even though I really wanted to stay in, tonight/Friday night is it.

(Something changed, however.  After work yesterday/Thursday ******e asked me to call her, which is something she has never asked me to do.  It was important-ish: ***e* cannot make it.  However, she still wants to double-team me with another one of her friends, someone I have never met.  ******e says her friend is cute and that she is down for whatever.  I am leery, but I need to expand my options of whores.  Plus, I am perverted as fuck right now, so I said yes, I'll accept the substitute.)

And on top of that, I texted *****y Wednesday night to see if we could get together this weekend, too.  She is the hot one where we have missed connections a few times now, most recently a couple weeks ago.  What might help facilitate a tryst is that I have Monday off -- how I realized that should be the subject of my next blog post -- and in fact that would be ideal.  However, after saying I had both Sunday and Monday free, she immediately told me to come over Sunday at 12:30.  It's a date.

You know, I just realized that because of my dick, I am going to spend money, and a lot of it, today/Friday and Sunday, two days I had hoped and initially planned on staying home and not spending any money.  I'm in a desperate quest to see if I can still get it up, and if I can still derive pleasure from sexual contact.  Hope so, and I hope the money's worth it!

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