Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sucks Being An Organizer

I had volunteered to ask whether my fellow alumni can buy tickets at a group rate to our alma mater's football Game here in October.  I obviously got flooded with ticket requests -- from people I know and from people I don't -- and while I love the enthusiasm, the ticket rep I spoke to on Friday noted that there might be a flake factor when it comes to collecting money.

So instead of getting money and then sending it to him in exchange for tickets, he suggested an e-mail link whereby I don't need to collect any money because everybody's getting their own.  However, amongst other issues, it'll be more expensive to do it this way.

I just e-mailed everyone about my dilemma.  I hope I don't get slammed for being wishy-washy.

Man, this is what I get for being an organizer.  This is what I get for trying to do something.

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