Sunday, June 16, 2024

Heat Brings Danger, In Many Ways

There is a Heat Warning for the Twin Cities that began at 1 in the afternoon and is supposed to last until 7.  Being as old and feeble as I am, I avoided outside as much as I could/can.  I slept off much of the afternoon in my bed.  (I was able to do that because I, indeed, did go out today.  Last night Father wanted me to buy some Arby's for lunch today, and so I took the opportunity to go to the Black Hart to see the Netherlands beat Poland in the morning Match at the Euros.  If I am using money for one thing, might as well use it for another.  And I got home before the Heat Warning).  I drew in the blackout curtains to keep out the heat as much as possible.  Nevertheless we finally relented; the air conditioning is on for the first time.

I always think things get a little ... more dangerous in the heat.  They say that crime goes up when it gets hot.  Not only am I worried about my health, I'm worried about my car, even though it's given me no problems lately.  Meanwhile I had to turn off 60 Minutes.  Great journalism, but the first story is about how The Federal Bureau Of Prisons is in horrible shape.  And the second story is about how "The Godfather Of Artificial Intelligence" is worried that AI is going to take over the human race.

This is supposed to be a lazy Sunday and I am busy shutting myself off from the world.

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