Friday, June 14, 2024

Guessed Wrong Twice Yesterday/Thursday

I've been a disciplined, good boy the previous two days in not spending money, and I am working The Fourth Department yesterday/Thursday and today/Friday, so I thought I would splurge a little and get breakfast.  But I was bedeviled by one question: Drive-thru or go-in?  That question is the result of another question: Should I crack my windows open during the workday so I can get some fresh and maybe cooler air or not?

My OCD is all over this.  See, I have rolled down my windows more days than I would like.  I still have bad memories of my old car's passenger's-side rear window coming down, breaking and staying down, so that I needed to tape it up until I could get the mechanism fixed.  However, I will crack my windows during the day if it's sunny and hot enough outside.  I go to sleep in my car, and even though it is often difficult, I try to sleep in there when it's hot, so it helps if I keep the air circulating.

Problem is that the forecast called for increasing sun throughout the day.  However, it was pretty cloudy when I went to work in the morning.  So, do I crack open the window and continue my long streak of something I don't want to continue and thus aggravating my disorder, or do I keep the window closed and potentially cook myself to death in the afternoon?

The clouds in the morning, plus the forecasts online saying there will be lingering clouds till about 1, made me think it would still be cool enough for me to be comfortable sleeping in my car with the windows closed.  So I will not roll the windows down and thus will be able to break the window-cracking streak.  That also dictated, thus, that I would not go through the drive-thru because that obviously entails me rolling down the window.  So I parked my car and went inside ... where it was a busy shitshow, the server directed me to the self-serve kiosk instead of ringing my order herself, and I wound up reporting to work three minutes on a morning where I thought I left the house early.

Oh well, at least I will be comfortable in my car when I take my lunchtime nap.  However, the clouds parted around noon, and there really wasn't a cloud in the sky once the rays hit Earth.  So, when I went to my car for lunch a bit past 1:30 ... it wasn't a crematorium, but I was hot, much hotter than I was comfortable feeling with no cracked windows.  I may have fallen asleep for a tad because I did lose track of time.  But I sure as hell wasn't comfortable.


I got a $5 ticket for Bad Boys: Ride Or Die (mindless fun; don't go for the logic, go for the boom-boom stuff and the banter between The Fresh Prince and Martin), but when I decided to see it after work yesterday/Thursday evening it didn't occur to me that 24kGoldn, a singer-rapper with whom I share our alma mater, was going to be at the 7th St Entry that evening.  However, there was time for me to leave the theater and head downtown to at least see him as the main act.

The problem is, Do I want to?  He has that song, "Mood," that I like, but I know of no other songs from him.  That being said, I have gone to concerts for musicians and bands for whom I know only one song.  Ultimately, though, even though I started driving toward downtown, I did not support my fellow alum and did not go.  I convinced myself of a few things: That there would be no free parking downtown because the Twins Game was going on; from what I could glean on the Internet he would be taking the stage at 9 and be done at 10, and I was going to be able to get there around 8:15, and I felt I would be too tired to wait around a small shack of a concert venue to see him; and, finally, there were alumni-related e-mails I thought I needed to answer in the evening, because there was a chance that I would be so tired coming from a concert that I would just go to bed and sleep immediately.

Only later, when I was ensconced on my bed, did I realize that I would have just looked at the First Avenue X/Twitter account for start times for the show.  24kGoldn's setlists for his current tour have largely not been reported or uploaded onto, which is where I saw the solitary setlist entry having him getting onstage at 9.  But, according to First Ave, his main show was scheduled to start at 8:15 -- which, actually, may have been so early that I would have missed the start of his act, not waited an hour to see it.  However, if there was a chance that I would see a free parking spot if I drove down there ... yeah, maybe I could've made it.

Well, at least I didn't crack the windows yesterday.  Here's "Mood":

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