Friday, June 21, 2024

I Might Be Having A Heart Attack

So I was back working back in The Fourth Department to see my co-worker, who has been at the company since time immemorial, not there yesterday/Thursday.  Didn't think he was taking any days off.  Moreover, I noticed an hour or two into my day that his desk looked eerily empty.  That should be an impetus for me to start looking at other jobs.  I won't say he was perfect as his job, but neither am I, and if something ... uh, unexpected and not his choice happened to him, the same thing could happen to me.

But I'm not worried about that right now.  For one, I'm lazy and I caught myself doomscrolling through my evening again.  More importantly, however, is that I am feeling heart palpitations and a hard-beating chest again.  I have felt bouts of this for a long time.  I think I started feeling as though my chest would burst open as early as freshman year, in fact.  But I have been feeling this way for about a couple days now, and I don't remember feeling this hard, this heavy, before.  Also, my skin is tingling, especially down my left side.  I am feeling aches in some parts of my body I don't usually feel aches in, and I have scratched myself a lot more the past couple days than before.

Weird as this sounds, I think this is a sign that I need to exercise, and hard.  If my blood is pumping, it might that I use that pumping to work my body.  Or, I am having a heart attack.  And if so -- well, you're seeing my notes about it here.

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