Saturday, June 8, 2024

People Not Obeying The Rules Of The Roundabout/Circular

So at the best and closest Target near me (there is one that might be closer to me, but they still don't have self-checkout, and it's a slow clusterfuck, at least the last time I went there, so I avoid it), they reconstructed the street outside it to add a modified roundabout/circular.  It's hard to describe how it's modified, but most of the traffic on this true two-way out of Target is shunted to the right, so if you want to go left, you have to basically make a U-turn through the roundabout/circular, like I did just now.

Once you're in the roundabout/circular, you keep moving until you get to your exit.  That means that if you reach the roundabout/circular, you need to yield until there's space to enter it.  I have now seen assholes not obey that rule twice.  Second time happened just now; I think a White chick in a white car went right into it behind a car that did yield, like they had a green light.  She was immediately taking a right right out of the roundabout/circular, so I honked her ass as I moved past her.  The first time happened some time ago; the guy in the old white sedan, who also went in right behind someone who obeyed the rules, had a bumper sticker that said either "It's a Plandemic!" or "It's a Scamdemic!"  Hate my decision, but I decided not to honk at the Republican psycho.

Look, it's a narrow residential street.  But because there's a Target there, the traffic before this reconstruction was a shitshow.  This roundabout/circular is needed.  Now, reactionary bitches are rebelling by not following directions.  Goddammit, I almost got into an accident, especially just now.  That better fucking not happen to me.

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