Friday, June 28, 2024

Don't Give A Fuck About The Debate -- I'm Still Ridin' With Biden

So I hear Biden lost the debate last night because he looked old and enfeebled.  DO I HAVE TO FUCKING REMIND YOU THAT TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON?!?!?!  It doesn't matter if Biden's eyes rolled up into his head and was just blowing up spit bubbles.  No, I didn't watch the debate because I don't want to blow my head off, at least not yet.  But Trump was just spewing bullshit for 90 minutes.  And he "won" because he looked confident while Biden looked weak?  There are times when spinning chicken shit into chicken salad is a good thing.  Trying to become President isn't one of them.

This is a crisis point for Biden, unfortunately.  Apparently there is a lot of pressure on him right now to step down.  That ain't gonna happen because who's going to replace him at this point?  Anyway, however he is now reflecting on what I guess is a consensus ass performance, he shouldn't step down.  Let cooler heads prevail.  Think.  Understand that Biden has a positive record.  Also understand that Biden isn't an asshole ... AND THE NOMINEE FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS A CONVICTED FELON, AND AN ASSHOLE.

Don't make any rash decisions.  I remember when that stripper lied to me, and as I approached the house she was who I didn't think she was, and I drove away, but not before she threatened me through text.  I had a thought that she was going to "get" me, and so I thought about just wandering into oncoming traffic to end it all.  But I didn't, because I didn't want her to "win."  So I didn't do anything rash.  I breathed.  I slept on it.  And I survived, both the incident and, myself.  (Have I blog posted about this?)

I suggest we all do the same.  Republicans are still fascists, and I'm not going to agree to give up my country because Biden sucked one night.  He can suck in the next debate and I'll still vote for Biden because I won't vote for Republican cocksuckers like Trump.  People who give a fuck about this country had better think the same way.

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