Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Can Do Better Than This (Four Assholes At Work)

So I move around departments I'm trained in.  I consider only four of them.  But there are a bunch of other departments that I see.  Most of them I don't know.  And after yesterday/Wednesday, thank God I fucking don't.

I don't know what the fuck happened, but these other dopes who work in other parts of the building were just a bunch of revolting cocksuckers.  There was the chump who was lined up to get coffee, got out of line and then, after the person ahead of him got his or her coffee, fucking cut in front of me to get his coffee.  There was the asshole who thought he was funny when he said, "Don't cut yourself," like it was his fucking business that I stupidly cut my finger last week.  This shit-fuck think he's funny?  The person who processes is always an ass, and this one's no different, invading my space to get the opened packages because she thought I was too slow.  And then there was this moppy-headed incel at the end of my day, hitting his ass on the chair and then angrily moving it around to get into the best position to eat his ramen.  He sounded like he wanted to watch the TV even though I was watching the end of the Euros and holding the remote.  So, like an adult, I offered him the remote, and without looking at me -- nice passive-aggressive touch, boy! -- he sternly shook his head like a scared and hungry child.

So there's that saying in the TV show Justified: "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you run into an asshole in the morning.  If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."  No.  Nuh-uh.  I ran into assholes all day.  Don't fucking know why, but I was surrounding by a bunch of dead-end, basic bitches who took out their frustrations and limitations on me for some goddamn reason.  To hell with these dumbasses.  The only reason I'm not filled with anger and anxiety (although my body hurts because my heart's beating a mile a minute) is that they're not really my co-workers.  One of the places I have to see these pricks I go to only once a week.  Otherwise I hope to God I don't see them in the hallway or the breakroom.  This is not like having run-ins with my boss like I've had in the past, or my true co-workers, most of whom I can deal with.  I see and have to work with those people every day, so if I got a problem with them, that affects my work environment and thus my work.

These shitheels?  Dirt off my shoulder.  Well, I'm trying to wipe them off.  But it's not defeat to leave this situation, you know?.  I mean, do I really "win" if I stick around and start talking back to these rude no-hopers?  Maybe there are higher classes of people at a different workplace.  And maybe it would behoove me to look somewhere else.  Maybe I can do better than this, and maybe bad days like yesterday are the impetus for me to finally find out if the grass is really greener on the other side.

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