Sunday, June 9, 2024

Goddammit, she confirmed -- confirmed!! -- that she was going to wank my cock this afternoon.  And then this fucking morning she says she needs to put it off a couple hours.  She says it's because one of her regulars wants to take her and her friend (both of whom have double-teamed me once or twice) out to lunch and is willing to pay her bill.  The other stripper girlfriend is celebrating her birthday.  You know it's her birthday; you couldn't anticipate this regular coming down for the weekend and doing this, especially if he's coming down from an hour away??  Bullshit.

She never came off as a flake to me until very recently, and now it's been, like, three times she's done this shit.  I'm going to wait till the afternoon because I'm horny af, but I hate getting strung along like this, I absolutely fucking hate it.

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