Saturday, June 22, 2024

Addendum To: I Might Be Having A Heart Attack

Feel better.  Not 100% percent, but better.  I kind of began to think that all these evening naps, which may help me catch up on my sleep but has put my body on a schedule where I sleep twice but for only a few hours each time, might be the reason my heart has been beating out of my chest.  And yet last/Friday night, after I passed out (I think between 6:30 and 7) and woke up around 10, that 3 1/2-hour nap did my chest good.  It's not beating hard.  I am still aching, kind of, all over my body, and I think my skin is still a little clammy and I feel as though I am breaking out in a cold sweat.  But really, truly, I feel a lot better.  As long as my heart isn't trying to leap out of my body, and it isn't now, I am better.

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