Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Nope, Still Haven't Cleaned Up Room Yet

I've been meaning to clean up my room -- sorting out my stuff, going through my mail, throwing things away that I can throw away -- for ... well, guess I've been meaning to all my life, but I had intentions for the past couple months now.  But I haven't gotten around to it.  I can tell you that as soon as I am done eating, I don't do that chore but instead lay in bed and start scrolling through my phone.  I scroll through my phone a lot, but it's only been lately that I understand how much of a grip it has on me.

I just read an article on Yahoo! (don't know how old it is) that there is a movement amongst people, especially Gen Zers, to ditch smartphones and go back to "dumbphones," those phones that, you know, mostly act like phones.  Those things are still around.  But the truth of it is, the people who have gone back in time swear that they are less anxious and more present because they're not distracted by all the applications on a smartphone.  That makes total sense, and yet I can't believe I can live without it.  Then again, I am Gen X, so I have lived up through my thirties without a smartphone, so I think I can revert back to my, uh, feral days.  That might be what I need to start paying attention to cleaning up my bedroom.

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