Saturday, June 29, 2024


I'm coordinating a massive ticket buy for a college football Game at the U. this fall for alumni who live here, and it's been a slowly-moving ... thing for the past couple months now.  But we're at the point where we can begin to buy tickets.  Some of the people in my group want to sit together, and now I've been trying to coordinate that, mainly by e-mailing those who want to sit in this area of the stadium, those who want to sit in that area, etc.  All the time I'm wondering, "Is this overkill?  Do I really need to do this?  Do the people I'm sending this to believe this needs to be done?"  And frankly, I don't know if I needed to send those e-mails.  But I did.  I wonder if the perception the people I e-mailed a couple hours ago has gone down because I come off as scatterbrained and needy.

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