Saturday, June 29, 2024

Parking Was Free After All!!!

Maybe it was a mistake to go to downtown Minneapolis today.  Pride's going on.  The U. S. Gymnastics Trials is going on at the Target Center from Thursday till tomorrow/Sunday, even though I don't know if there have been festivities when I went down there early this afternoon.  Finally, there is this new event organized by the city called Promenade du Nord, and I wonder why they planned it for this jam-packed weekend ... or even if they actually wanted it on this jam-packed weekend.

I knew I should have gotten out of the house earlier, but I didn't until I was on the toilet and saw it was 10:30.  The Switzerland-Italy Eighthfinal kicks off at 11, and there may not be any free parking spot downtown.  And there wasn't.  Pride is going on at Loring Park, which is less than a half-mile away from Brit's, so I was hoping that it was far enough away whereby there would be free spots, but I was totally wrong about that.

Brit's, however, has its own parking ramp.  It's small, but honestly, I had no choice, especially if I wanted to see the start of the Match.  So I went in, and it said that a two-plus-hour stay will cost me eight bucks.  Hey, the price I pay.  So I enjoyed the Swiss beating the Italians 2-0 (while gaping at these two hot women and their exposed smalls of their backs while they were watching the Match), then went to my car to drive to Target and then home to hopefully see the Germany-Denmark Match.  (I thought about getting my face shaved, but I didn't have time for that.)  I go up to the crossing arm, scan the ticket, take out my credit card ... and see the machine say "Thank You!" while the arm goes up.  Ah-hah!  So it turns out I was able to park for free!

Yeah, today has been a good day so far!!

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