Monday, June 10, 2024

I'm just gonna say this: There has been talk about Joe Biden needing to talk less about how much Donald Trump sucks and is going to become a dictator if America votes him in as president, and instead hyping up his record when it comes to the economy, unemployment and minority rights issues.  I say I don't need that, and if you're smart, you don't need that, either.

Yes, voting for Biden because Trump's the other guy is more than a sufficient reason.  Hell, it should be the only reason.  Have you listened to what Trump's been saying?  He's trying to install himself as president-for-life ... whenever what spills out of his mouth makes any goddamn sense.  The guy's a walking shitshow.  And you're thinking of voting for him, or not voting at all?  Holy shit, we're looking at the end of democracy in our country and you're looking at shit on TikTok.

Don't blame The Media for this.  A lot of it is doing a crap-ass job, but many are doing a fantastic job, and they're doing their damndest to get the word out about Trump's lawlessness and incompetence.  It is now up to you, The Citizen, to actually (man, I hate this phrase but I can't think of any one better) do your own research and find out for yourself how dangerous and unhinged this piece of shit is.  And if you don't, The Death Of America is on you, pal.

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