Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Another Week Where I Went From Getting To Do Nothing To Needing To Do Everything

This week I'm not in The Fourth Department.  I work from 7 till 3:30 every day.  Just like old times.

When I have that shift, I usually don't get stuff to eat before coming into work.  And when I don't get stuff to eat before coming into work, I am more likely to just drive home from work, stay in and not spend money.  That is what I need to be doing these days.

But am I doing that?  Of fucking course not.  To be fair, I was going (and went) to last/Tuesday night's USWNT Friendly versus South Korea (er ... Korea Republic), so I was spending money then.  I wasn't going to spend money Monday, but when my boss texted me that I was going to work at a different department, I thought the change necessitated a mocha and oatmeal from this place I like in order to adjust.  For today/Wednesday I thought I could go to work and then home, but then my therapist said he could talk over the phone after work.  I can't talk to him at home, so I will go to a park to speak with him instead, and if I'm starting my car up more than two times a day, I might as well start up my car four or five times that day and go somewhere.

Tomorrow/Thursday I thought I had nothing.  But that's when the NBA Finals start, and I'll be damned if I watch those fucking Dallas Mavericks on the TV after they beat the shit out of my Timberwolves.  I'm so irate I would rather go out somewhere than be tempted by turning on the television and watching.  And I also thought I had nothing on Friday, but out of the blue, ******e let me know that ***e* is back in town and want to double-team me.  I haven't had my pee-pee touched in a long time -- so much so that I was actually thinking about texting her last/Tuesday night to see if she had any free time for some sexytime -- so even though I don't want to go out on a Friday night, I will for this.

One of these days (well, probably tomorrow/Thursday) I want to just go to work and then home.  I am so exhausted today after staying up and then watching soccer in the pouring rain.  I don't know how I can keep up such a jetset lifestyle at my advanced age.  I will need to take it easy next week ... right?

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