Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Fuck It, The Car's Broken Again

For some time now I am hearing a quick rattling underneath the hood while I drive.  It's there, then it's gone.  It usually happens when I jerk the steering wheel to the right, but it goes away.  However, as I was driving to the Black Hart today, I heard it when I took a right turn and again when I was accelerating.  Heard it again when I was driving between the cities from the Black Hart to Brit's Pub (I saw the Turkey-Georgia Euros Match at the former and the Portugal-Czechia Match at the latter) and switched lanes to the right.  I didn't hear it when I drove home, but I was careful not to accelerate too hard.

I'm still trying to take this car till late July, more than a month from now.  But I'm scared as hell that the rumble I hear gets more frequently, and/or lasts longer, and I won't freakin' make till next month.  And then I'm scared if the rattle is actually something for which I'll have to shell out a ton of money.  Again.  Goddamn, cars are a luxury.

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