Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Four-Day Weekend Next Week Becomes A Three-Day Weekend Now

I'm so bad with days off from work.  This is a pretty big illustration as to why I need to do better.

So this basically started with one of my co-workers, one of whom has the same position as I do, needing to take a surprise road trip, presumably to see family.  I was told this by my boss, who, in order to cover the days she'll be gone, proposed that I shift my workweek that week one day down.  Instead of working Monday through Friday, I would be working Tuesday through Saturday (my old schedule when I started out working at this place) instead.  That's fine; I'm a company man!  (Actually, I'm not.  I should be looking for another job right now, but I've just gotten too lazy because there has been no overtime for me to work, so there has been no blow-up between me and my boss that would propel me into searching want ads.)

We get a shared calendar where everyone in the departments I work in can see who is taking which days off.  It's summer, which means, at least for our company, at least one person is off every day until Labor Day, seems like.  Also, I have recently learned of a new policy whereby only a maximum of two people can be out of the office each day.  I have been using a lot of paid time off this year, which is odd.  And yet I am confronted with the possibility that I won't use any paid time off this summer.  We can carry over only 40 hours of it into next year.  If I am forced to work this summer, I would then be faced with a situation where I have to find days off in the fall to get under 40 hours for the year.  I can do that, but really, with how I hate my job right now, I need a day off here and there during the summer or else I will mentally crack.

So, as I peruse this calendar, I see that June 18 is completely blank.  There is no co-worker who wants that day off.  And I check into the future and see that at least one person is gone every day till around early August.  That's way too far for me, so even though I have nothing to do, I asked to take that day off.

Unfortunately, I realized that that was the week my co-worker will be out of the state.  My boss' proposal made me think that he needed me to work all five days, and I just asked for the first day, that Tuesday, off.  I e-mailed my boss a day or so after my acceptance of his proposal basically apologizing for my oversight.  But he actually said taking that Tuesday off is not a problem; he just needed to make sure that Saturday was taken care of.

OK.  So that means that next weekend I have Saturday through Tuesday off.  Cool.  I can stay in, I can go out, I can wake up whenever I want to, and I can maybe line up my hoes to fuck.  Sky's the limit since I lucked into a mini-staycation.  But it was some time early last workweek where I checked the calendar again (I do so just because from time to time) and see that I am not working tomorrow/Monday but am working Saturday.  In other words, the brief Tuesday-to-Saturday workweek is not next week, but this week.  I thought that was a mistake; I mean, if it was supposed to be this week (and I understand that I last week ran down the above events that happened, so the workweek shift would be next week, but you know what I mean), my boss would have corrected me when I said that I could work Tuesday the 18th after all to fill in for my co-worker.  But I went back to my boss' initial proposal and, sure enough, he spelled out the workweek which he wanted me to work Tuesday through Saturday.  It's this week, and he did tell me.

So instead of having a four-day weekend next week, I work Saturday, probably don't go anywhere next Sunday because it's Father's Day (even though I could see myself getting out of the house if Father annoys me), work Monday, then have Tuesday off.  I alternate working and not working.  Some schedule, huh?

I am super bummed about the ruined four-day weekend, but I am very, very disappointed with myself for not getting my damned dates right.  I obviously didn't check the details on this, and I have been careless with dates for other things for some time now.  With that being said, I have to remember that I am in the middle of a three-day weekend right now.  Yesterday/Saturday I went to Bauhaus for a DJ party and had a beer under a sunny sky, with temperatures that were warm but by no means hot or humid, and surrounded by fucking gorgeous women everywhere I looked.  Also yesterday/Saturday, *****y texted me to confirm that I am going over to her place today/Sunday so she can give me a handjob.  I am going to have lunch by myself at Burger King, where I am going to use points that will expire July 1 on a free Whooper.  I will hopefully have the energy to go to a park and exercise.  I get to Zoom with a friend tonight/Sunday night.  I get to stay up because I don't have to work tomorrow/Monday.  And, tomorrow/Monday I should be able to watch a movie in the afternoon.

It's not four days, and I didn't even plan it, but I have to look at the positives.

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