Saturday, June 1, 2024

Bruised Bananas

These days, Father packs two items for me to eat at work: A banana and something Mother made for which I need to heat up.  Never mind that I have never needed to brownbag a lunch for work; that ship has sailed.  On top of that, I don't have time to eat them.  The lunch break they think I would use to eat I instead use to sleep.  The morning break I use to get coffee and, if necessary, have a bowel movement.

So it's the afternoon break where I may get around to heating up the thing Mother made for me.  That's all I have time for.  I had in the past just brought the banana home with me and took it back with me to work the next day.  These days, however, I have eaten the banana as the late-night snack.  I usually have hunger pangs after dinner, but I want to substitute something better for me than the chips I can eat.

But since my parents have gotten home, Father as bought and given me bananas that are severely bruised.  I go to the kitchen to eat the banana.  Once I peel the skin, I see these ridiculously battered bananas that usually have massive black spots.  I don't know if they're edible or not, but I refuse to eat those parts, so I take a knife and carve them out.  Sometimes that leaves me with half a banana, but that at least looks like a banana.  I am guessing my folks are getting these past-ripe bananas on sale and want to buy them in bulk.  And that is why I'm afraid I'll have to keep inspecting every single banana given to me for bruise spots from now on.

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