Saturday, November 30, 2019

Where My Boss Is Telling Me To Leave Early And I Don't Want To

Yesterday/Friday at work I got an e-mail from my boss saying that tomorrow (which is today as I blog post about this) that I will be shunted off to a different department.  We've been scrambling the past couple days; as appears to be the case, the days before Thanksgiving are slow, and the days after it are very slow.

I will be the only one in this department, but that has always been the case when I cover this department on Saturdays.  However, considering the paucity of work, my boss through in this proviso.  Paraphrasing: "Once you're done, take paid time off."

Uh, so I won't be working my full eight hours?  I don't think my boss has ever told me, flat out, that there won't be enough work to cover a full day.  Furthermore, I know my boss has never ... well, I'll say it ... ordered me to take paid time off.  I don't want to take paid time off.  I have it, but I want to save it because there are some broadcasting duties and vacation I want to take off in the spring.  I barely have enough of a "float" of vacation hours as it is; I'll still have some after today, but it still makes me uncomfortable.

And on top of all that, I don't exactly know how much time I'll need to take off.  I was told by a person in the department that I could get done with everything in 90 minutes.  That sounds weird to me, because there are some timed tasks that will force me to stay for at least half a day.  Moreover, this is the type of job where things can come in all the time, even considering that this is the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  It may look like there's nothing else to do, but what if I decide to leave (and my boss he'll defer to my judgement) and there's work that comes in after that?

I find what I am going to face today uncertain, and I don't like uncertainty when it comes to not having work.  Moreover, I kind of don't like being told what to do.  Well, my boss can tell me what to do; telling me to take off work seems strange, however.  And again, while I will be getting paid even if I take off work (something most people usually would be OK with), I could use this paid time off when it's more convenient for me, not for him.

Maybe I should just act like it surprisingly got so busy that I had to stay the whole eight hours?

With all that being said, there is one wrinkle: Someone on the alumni club's Facebook page says he has one extra ticket to the Minnesota-Wisconsin Game this afternoon.  If I can snag that ticket, I will be totally OK leaving work early.  In that case, I have to hope I don't get socked with work.  Regardless, I have no idea what's in store for me when I get into work today.

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