Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Deceptively Bad Day At Work

Things kind of cascaded downward at work.  I got locked out of a program for putting in the wrong password too many times just as The Rude Pundit was going to be on Stephanie Miller, and then when I called the IT department I was on hold for so long that after five minutes I gave up and hung up.  Then I realized that I just had to ask my supervisor to ask someone to unlock it for me.  In the meantime, I missed much of Rude Pundit's spot on Miller so I thought I would use my phone (and data) to listen to him, but I then realized I left the Apple iPhone-specific headphones at home, so I just put the phone up to my ear to listen to it, which made my boss kind of suspicious.

Oh, and later in the day, when I had to go to the lab, I needed to copy something but the person who used it before me had some weird settings and didn't reset it, so I printed out ten double-sided copies when I only needed one.  (The settings were set for 25 copies, but at least I was able to stop it before it copied that much.)  Then I had to mess around with the copier because even though I got it down to one setting, I didn't know how to get rid of the single-sided-to-double-sided setting.  After I printed off two more copies I didn't want, I saw the "Reset" button on the screen and that did it.

I really just want a workday that's a lot less frustrating.  Hope I get that today.  Please.

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