Saturday, June 6, 2020

New Haircut, Bad Day

Look, I like ****e*, I really do.  But not only was she late in getting to the park by an hour, it took her 90 Minutes to give me a haircut.  And then she insisted on giving me a haircut that she likes, one that is far from the buzz cut I told her I wanted.  It's way longer up top, way longer than I am comfortable with.  She keeps saying it makes me look younger, and that I should try it.  If you're Generation X, did you ever receive a gift from a "friend" that was a mix tape of songs your friend liked and said, "You'll totally love these songs!  You should try it!"  This is that in haircut form.

But she gave me water and I was just happy that 15 weeks' worth of hair came off my head, so whatever.  (We did this at a park so hopefully the ventilation, the not-so-stale outside air and the not-weak wind pulled our air droplets to the ground.  That's how it works, right?)  Unfortunately I got to ****e's at 2:2* when I should have been there at least two Hours earlier, so I had no time to sleep, and really I just stopped in, showered, ate an early dinner, fucked her, then left.  So I was in a rush to go to Target to get juice and to get my free donut (with purchase of a drink, in my case a vanilla bean Coolatta because they ran out of iced tea [!!!] for National Donut Day (which turned into donuts plural -- Dunkin' Donuts was literally getting rid of them), so I was late getting home by half-an-hour, which I had already pushed back by half an hour when I knew I was going to be late.  And then I had no appetite because of the Coolatta and the beef I ate at ****e's place and the Breakfast Baconator and the sausage, egg and cheese croissant I got for a buck at Wendy's as part of its new promotion, and in fact all that food together forced me to go the bathroom in the middle of dinner, so all I had was rice and tuna.

And I'm still not happy because fucking Christ, ****e* was late and she gave me a hair cut that I didn't want!  Seriously, why can't she give me what I told her I wanted?  And why did she take 2:45 to give me this haircut I don't want?!  And I couldn't sleep at ****e's place and I was rushed in fucking her (although the sex was great) and now I have diarrhea and two stale donuts I won't finish until Sunday!  And my stomach still feels oogy!  And I just slept for 4 1/2 Hours and I'm not tired now!  And I told My Father I would mow the lawn today!  And my parents asked me when I got up from the dinner table if I had diarrhea!  AND ALL THIS BECAUSE OF A FUCKING HAIRCUT!!!

But hey, hair's gone now.

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