Monday, June 29, 2020

Thoughts On A Video Conference

  • I'm so pissed off that I tried to get a word in edgewise at the tail end of our conference, but everybody was talking so there wasn't a good time, and then the host signed off and everybody was like, "See ya!" and all I could do to be a good guest was also say, "See ya!"  I feel like such a schmo.
  • It was two hours long, like the last meeting, and I am scared that further meetings will also be two hours long.  I have a social meet-up on Sunday nights.  I had to miss that one because of this.  I think the topic at hand is serious enough that I should meet there next week, which is planned, but honestly, I don't know if I'm going to like that I'll have to miss my social meet-up for the time being.
  • When you have a lot of people passionate about the same subject with the same goal of solving it, you will still have a lot of opinions on how to go about doing that.  It's inevitable.  But we got really, really bogged down on the edits of a letter that we are about to send out.  The navel-gazing really got to me, and by the looks of the screenshots it started to bore and frustrate the other participants.  That is why I hate meetings.
  • And yet ... I feel as though some people feel that they were not heard.  The crux of it is one participant who called because ... well, I don't know we couldn't see her.  Anyway, she was droning on about what she didn't like about the letter.  Much of it made me roll my eyes, but she did stumble on a point I will twist into my own criticism that we should bring up in the letter: The current "zeitgeist" about racial injustice might be an issue we could raise in this letter, and knowing the shocking changes that have come in the wake of the "wokeness" over racial inequality, maybe could use that to our advantage, starting with this letter.  Now, I have no idea how racial inequity has anything to do with college clubs.  But if it gets us closer to our aims, hell yeah, I'd use it.
  • But back to trying to say something and then shrinking down to not say anything instead.  How humiliating!

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