Sunday, June 30, 2024

Poor Bastard Of The Moment(-ish): Joachim Andersen

Haven't done one of these in a long while.

What happened to the Slovakian men's soccer team today aside, I don't think anyone in the Euros has had a shittier five Minutes than Andersen, the Center Back for Denmark and Crystal Palace.  In the 48th Minutes of their Eighthfinal Match versus Germany, it looked like he drew first blood for his country with a rebound Goal.  Then, two Minutes later, the tally was overturned by the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) because the Danes were offside.  Then, about a Minute after that, a German Cross in the box hit Andersen in the fingers.  After VAR caught it, a Penalty Kick was awarded, which Germany's Kai Havertz converted to give Germany a 1-0 lead in the 53rd Minute.

The Germans would win 2-0, but the Match turned on the momentum swing by Andersen, who went from thinking he gave his team and country the lead to being the reason the other team took the lead.

Poor bastard.

Avoided Getting T-Boned ... On My Street ... Twice ...

... and if I recall correctly (this happened last week), it happened on back-to-back days.

I'm going to start with the second one, which I think was on Wednesday morning.  I was minding my business, just driving down my street.  I see to my right a car back down its driveway.  I'm always dreading that the driver doesn't see me, but he or she does, and he or she stops so I can drive.  This one, however, I wasn't so sure, because the driver drove down fast, like fast enough that he or she wouldn't be able to stop on time.  So, instinctively, I swerved to the left in case the driver really wanted to get out onto the street without making sure the coast was clear.  I think he or she stopped, but no matter, I was out of that person's way and still driving to work.

Exact same thing happened the morning before, on Tuesday.  It was a different driver, however.  One closer to my house.  In fact, I know her, or at least I know the person who is married to her: It's either my sister's best friend or her wife.  I've never, ever seen either of them tear ass down the driveway, which is almost kitty-corner from our house.  But I was just moseying on down and I see their truck busting down their driveway, and so I really, really swerved to make sure I got of her way.  I can let this go, but this is still very uncharacteristic of either of them.

So I did this twice, on my street, on back-to-back work mornings.  Hasn't happened since, and I hope that doesn't happen for a long, long, long time.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Parking Was Free After All!!!

Maybe it was a mistake to go to downtown Minneapolis today.  Pride's going on.  The U. S. Gymnastics Trials is going on at the Target Center from Thursday till tomorrow/Sunday, even though I don't know if there have been festivities when I went down there early this afternoon.  Finally, there is this new event organized by the city called Promenade du Nord, and I wonder why they planned it for this jam-packed weekend ... or even if they actually wanted it on this jam-packed weekend.

I knew I should have gotten out of the house earlier, but I didn't until I was on the toilet and saw it was 10:30.  The Switzerland-Italy Eighthfinal kicks off at 11, and there may not be any free parking spot downtown.  And there wasn't.  Pride is going on at Loring Park, which is less than a half-mile away from Brit's, so I was hoping that it was far enough away whereby there would be free spots, but I was totally wrong about that.

Brit's, however, has its own parking ramp.  It's small, but honestly, I had no choice, especially if I wanted to see the start of the Match.  So I went in, and it said that a two-plus-hour stay will cost me eight bucks.  Hey, the price I pay.  So I enjoyed the Swiss beating the Italians 2-0 (while gaping at these two hot women and their exposed smalls of their backs while they were watching the Match), then went to my car to drive to Target and then home to hopefully see the Germany-Denmark Match.  (I thought about getting my face shaved, but I didn't have time for that.)  I go up to the crossing arm, scan the ticket, take out my credit card ... and see the machine say "Thank You!" while the arm goes up.  Ah-hah!  So it turns out I was able to park for free!

Yeah, today has been a good day so far!!


I'm coordinating a massive ticket buy for a college football Game at the U. this fall for alumni who live here, and it's been a slowly-moving ... thing for the past couple months now.  But we're at the point where we can begin to buy tickets.  Some of the people in my group want to sit together, and now I've been trying to coordinate that, mainly by e-mailing those who want to sit in this area of the stadium, those who want to sit in that area, etc.  All the time I'm wondering, "Is this overkill?  Do I really need to do this?  Do the people I'm sending this to believe this needs to be done?"  And frankly, I don't know if I needed to send those e-mails.  But I did.  I wonder if the perception the people I e-mailed a couple hours ago has gone down because I come off as scatterbrained and needy.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Don't Give A Fuck About The Debate -- I'm Still Ridin' With Biden

So I hear Biden lost the debate last night because he looked old and enfeebled.  DO I HAVE TO FUCKING REMIND YOU THAT TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON?!?!?!  It doesn't matter if Biden's eyes rolled up into his head and was just blowing up spit bubbles.  No, I didn't watch the debate because I don't want to blow my head off, at least not yet.  But Trump was just spewing bullshit for 90 minutes.  And he "won" because he looked confident while Biden looked weak?  There are times when spinning chicken shit into chicken salad is a good thing.  Trying to become President isn't one of them.

This is a crisis point for Biden, unfortunately.  Apparently there is a lot of pressure on him right now to step down.  That ain't gonna happen because who's going to replace him at this point?  Anyway, however he is now reflecting on what I guess is a consensus ass performance, he shouldn't step down.  Let cooler heads prevail.  Think.  Understand that Biden has a positive record.  Also understand that Biden isn't an asshole ... AND THE NOMINEE FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS A CONVICTED FELON, AND AN ASSHOLE.

Don't make any rash decisions.  I remember when that stripper lied to me, and as I approached the house she was who I didn't think she was, and I drove away, but not before she threatened me through text.  I had a thought that she was going to "get" me, and so I thought about just wandering into oncoming traffic to end it all.  But I didn't, because I didn't want her to "win."  So I didn't do anything rash.  I breathed.  I slept on it.  And I survived, both the incident and, myself.  (Have I blog posted about this?)

I suggest we all do the same.  Republicans are still fascists, and I'm not going to agree to give up my country because Biden sucked one night.  He can suck in the next debate and I'll still vote for Biden because I won't vote for Republican cocksuckers like Trump.  People who give a fuck about this country had better think the same way.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Can Do Better Than This (Four Assholes At Work)

So I move around departments I'm trained in.  I consider only four of them.  But there are a bunch of other departments that I see.  Most of them I don't know.  And after yesterday/Wednesday, thank God I fucking don't.

I don't know what the fuck happened, but these other dopes who work in other parts of the building were just a bunch of revolting cocksuckers.  There was the chump who was lined up to get coffee, got out of line and then, after the person ahead of him got his or her coffee, fucking cut in front of me to get his coffee.  There was the asshole who thought he was funny when he said, "Don't cut yourself," like it was his fucking business that I stupidly cut my finger last week.  This shit-fuck think he's funny?  The person who processes is always an ass, and this one's no different, invading my space to get the opened packages because she thought I was too slow.  And then there was this moppy-headed incel at the end of my day, hitting his ass on the chair and then angrily moving it around to get into the best position to eat his ramen.  He sounded like he wanted to watch the TV even though I was watching the end of the Euros and holding the remote.  So, like an adult, I offered him the remote, and without looking at me -- nice passive-aggressive touch, boy! -- he sternly shook his head like a scared and hungry child.

So there's that saying in the TV show Justified: "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you run into an asshole in the morning.  If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."  No.  Nuh-uh.  I ran into assholes all day.  Don't fucking know why, but I was surrounding by a bunch of dead-end, basic bitches who took out their frustrations and limitations on me for some goddamn reason.  To hell with these dumbasses.  The only reason I'm not filled with anger and anxiety (although my body hurts because my heart's beating a mile a minute) is that they're not really my co-workers.  One of the places I have to see these pricks I go to only once a week.  Otherwise I hope to God I don't see them in the hallway or the breakroom.  This is not like having run-ins with my boss like I've had in the past, or my true co-workers, most of whom I can deal with.  I see and have to work with those people every day, so if I got a problem with them, that affects my work environment and thus my work.

These shitheels?  Dirt off my shoulder.  Well, I'm trying to wipe them off.  But it's not defeat to leave this situation, you know?.  I mean, do I really "win" if I stick around and start talking back to these rude no-hopers?  Maybe there are higher classes of people at a different workplace.  And maybe it would behoove me to look somewhere else.  Maybe I can do better than this, and maybe bad days like yesterday are the impetus for me to finally find out if the grass is really greener on the other side.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

And I Have Fought My Anxiety To A Standstill

The heart-pounding I had all last week?  It came back when I went to work yesterday/Tuesday morning and stayed with me all day.

All day I was nearly hyperventilating about the car.  I resolved to bring it in to the mechanic earlier than I had planned, then got internally upset that I can't get off of work for the next two weeks.  But I checked the oil in my car and, once again, I am looking at the orange dipstick I have and it says that I am still mostly full.  I even stuck it back in and checked for a second time.  I laid the dipstick flat on the paper towel I was using and wrapped the towel around it to make absolutely sure that oil was stuck all up and down the dipstick.  And it was.  Goddammit, if somehow the engine is still out of oil after how meticulously I checked, maybe I shouldn't own a fucking car.

And then the damndest thing happened: My anxiety went away.  I don't know if I proved anything, but I guess I proved something to myself.  Or, at the very least, I did something about my anxiety.  And I was able to believe what I saw, and therefore refused to think that my car is extremely low on oil.  And so I was driving from the movies (Furiosa is a fantastic film!) to downtown Minneapolis to check up on our game-watching bar, and my heart has been beating normally ever since.  Even through the two times that hard, echoing rattle came through the hood of my car.

It feels good to be free of anxiety.  I hope it lasts.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

My Anxiety Has Won

Not a good day.  That rattling sound came out of my car again, and even though it's quick, it seems to be happening a bit more often.  Even worse: I got out of work early yesterday to try to take it to my mechanic for an impromptu diagnosis, but there was so much fucking road construction that I couldn't overcome it and just went to Taco Bell instead.  I am now scared as hell that something the engine is about to blow or my radiator is about to fall out of my car and I'll be fucking stuck along the side of the road, or stuck on it.  Or, maybe it's not bad at all and I'm just scaring myself to death.

Work wasn't great, either.  I mean, it was fine.  But there is still that empty chair behind me, and people still aren't talking about what the hell happened to my co-worker.  And yet I had an epiphany, such as it is, while at work yesterday/Monday.  For all this time I thought he got fired.  Now, I'm not so sure.  It is possible that he was laid off.  I have been complaining for a while that the work hasn't been coming in for a while, and that has pretty much affected all departments, though some more than all.  We have been completing the work well before we need to, except for The Main Department, and there they have missed cutoff so often that I no longer think anyone cares.

Another thing that has come up is that we have been told to document our work -- by that I mean we need to write down on a sheet of paper what we are doing, from what time and to what time.  We had to do these "audits," for lack of a better word, once or twice before, and we're supposed to do it again.  To me, that means only one thing: Headquarters is trying to justify letting people go.  Can't be anything else.

Now, layoffs don't quite explain the suddenness of my co-worker's departure, or why more people haven't been let go last week at the same time he was.  But work is now a too quiet, very depressing place to be.  And this might be the thing that gets my ass into finally looking for another job.  I don't like what's going on, and I think it's time to start looking for a way out.  This goes whether I lose my job based on merit or not: At some point, I have to look out for me.  It might be that point.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Weekly Minnesota Sports Survey

#-1: Lynx (Last Week: -1).  The Lynx are matching the performance of the Timberwolves (at least this Year).  They won all three Games they played this screening Week, all by double digits (albeit all at home).  They are on a six-Game winning streak and have tied Connecticut for second-best record in the WNBA at 13-3.  It seems as though the Lynx, the Sun, and The New York Liberty are separating themselves from the rest of the pack, and I find that to be kind of odd considering I thought they would be middle of the road like they were last season.  But color me surprised.

Minnesota now goes on the road for four straight matchups.  The first one, however, is the most important.  It is the Commissioner's Cup title Game, "at" New York tomorrow/Tuesday night, but they're not playing it at Brooklyn's Barclay Center but instead at Elmont, N. Y., which I think is where Belmont Race Track is.  The reason it was recently moved?  They didn't the Liberty would be hosting, so they scheduled it in Brooklyn ... even though the Barclays Center is hosting the NBA Draft Wednesday and Thursday.  The Association needs to set up the event, so those teams can't play there.  And yet it was such a surprise that were scrambling to find an alternative venue.  Come on, WNBA, you can do better than that.  Afterwards, at Dallas Thursday and at Chicago Sunday afternoon.

#-2: Twins (Last Week: -2).  A 3-3 week punctuated on the low side by a three-Game losing streak where all three defeats were by a Run and on the high side by a 14-K, Complete-Game Shutout of The Soon-To-Be-Bastard-Oakland-Athletics yesterday/Sunday afternoon by Pablo Lopez and the white-hot start of the now-back Royce Lewis.  The superlatives on Twitter/X pointing to a promising germination of a career have been overflowing, but the hype seems real -- as long as he remains healthy.

Meanwhile, The Kansas City Royals seemed to have fallen off, so now Minnesota sits in second place in the AL Central, albeit 7 1/2 Games behind Cleveland.  Because there are so many clubs with great records this season, the Twins' 43-35 record gives them American League Wild Card 2.  Go figure.

They finish up their maximum-length road trip this screening Week with three vs. Arizona starting tomorrow/Tuesday and three against division-leading Seattle over the weekend.

#-3: United FC (Last Week: -3).  Saturday night's 1-0 Loss at home versus Austin FC was the most infuriated I've been with the squad in quite a while.  They're still missing four main dudes because they're playing for their countries, Teemu Pukki still has a bad knee, and Caden Clark is still dealing with a concussion.  Then, Hassani Dotson racked up two Yellow Cards in back-to-back Minutes in the middle of the First Half.  Diego Rubio scored in the 31st for the only Goal of the Match.

The thing that pissed me off happened from the Goal forward.  The played like they didn't care.  They played like they were just going to give the Match away because they were down a man.  They played like they're just trying to weather the storm until international play was over.  They really didn't get their asses in gear until the 65th Minute or so, but by then AFC put themselves in a low block and the Loons couldn't figure out a way to break it down.  It didn't help that, for some fuckin' reason, Eric Ramsay only used two goddamn subs.  Maybe he thought they were going to lose, too.

Austin isn't a good team.  But like Dallas and Seattle before Saturday night, MNUFC lost to them, too, and it wasn't close.  That's a three-Match losing streak to mediocre clubs, sending United FC to fifth in the Western Conference.  Sorry, chalking this up to all the guys you're missing isn't going to cut it.  It doesn't explain the desultory effort, and it doesn't explain losing badly to shitty teams you can still beat.  This is the first real emergency of The Ramsay Era, and even though I have to remind myself that this is his first Year at the helm, adjustments need to be made to show all of us that he can manage.

At Portland Saturday.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Doin' The Trip!!!

So today/Sunday I plan on going to the Black Hart to see a Tripleheader of soccer Matches, sort of.  The Euros are now in their final Group Stage Matches, so all the teams that are in the same Group play their Matches at the same time so no one knows beforehand what they need to do to advance.  That means that at 2 p.m., two Matches, Switzerland-Germany and Scotland-Hungary, will go off concurrently.  That will be followed with Copa America action, namely the USA! USA! USA! playing Bolivia at 5 p.m., and then, perfectly situated at 8 p.m., Uruguay-Panamá.

And I plan to sit my butt -- whenever I'm not pacing -- at The Only Queer Soccer Bar On Planet Earth to watch this Tripleheader.  #DoinTheTrip, I'm calling it.  This was important enough for me that, when my boss blindsided me last week when he needed someone to fill in at work today/Sunday, I told him I could only come in for part of it.  It would now be customary to "make up" for working today by having one day off this week, but apparently the maximum number of people who can take a day off has been reached for all six days this week, so I will be working the rest of my usual work week (Monday through Friday) and just accruing overtime, which I guess has been authorized.  I would be making more money if I worked eight hours today instead of the four for which I am scheduled -- but I'm not because I am #DoinTheTrip!

But that's not all!  There will be a Doubleheader set of Quarterfinals for both continental tournaments, exquisitely paced at 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m., Saturday, July 6, and dammit, I am doing that, too!  I call that #DoinTheQuad ... and I've done it once before, if you recall, on Sunday, November 22, 2022, when the World Cup was doing a Quadrupleheader of Group Stage Matches.  I didn't think I would be able to do that again, at least not until the WC rolled around again in 2026, but I didn't foresee the Euros and the Copa America taking virtually the same schedule as each other so that their Matches on a single Day could line up like this.  Yay for a soccer sicko like me!

Moreover!  There was a possibility yesterday/Saturday that I could have taken in a frickin' Quintupleheader because there was a Tripleheader of Euros and a Doubleheader of Copa Group Stage Matches evenly spaced out at 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m.  I was going to advertise here that I was #DoinTheQuint, but then I saw that Minnesota United had a Match in the evening, and I'm a season-ticketholder, so I had to go, and I might as well go to the library to fax something if I wasn't going to be able to #DoinTheQuint.  Maybe I should have: The Loons lost a very winnable Game to an extremely mid Austin squad, 1-0, in what was the most lackadaisical performance by MNUFC I have ever seen.  I was borderline pissed to see them not care to play last/Saturday night.  Anyway, I hope there will be an opportunity in the future, possibly if the Copa America and the Euro basically hold their 2028 tournaments at the same time, to stay at one place for 14-5 hours to just watch soccer.

In the meantime, I hope four hours at work won't tire me out to #DoinTheTrip.  This truly is one of the highlights of my year!!!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Addendum To: I Might Be Having A Heart Attack

Feel better.  Not 100% percent, but better.  I kind of began to think that all these evening naps, which may help me catch up on my sleep but has put my body on a schedule where I sleep twice but for only a few hours each time, might be the reason my heart has been beating out of my chest.  And yet last/Friday night, after I passed out (I think between 6:30 and 7) and woke up around 10, that 3 1/2-hour nap did my chest good.  It's not beating hard.  I am still aching, kind of, all over my body, and I think my skin is still a little clammy and I feel as though I am breaking out in a cold sweat.  But really, truly, I feel a lot better.  As long as my heart isn't trying to leap out of my body, and it isn't now, I am better.

The Ax Can Fall On Any Of Us

So yeah, my co-worker ... I said goodbye to him on Monday knowing I'd see him Wednesday, if not Thursday, but not Tuesday because I had the day off.  I was really busy on Wednesday, however, so if he walked by me on his way to getting coffee or something, I didn't see him.

I was back in The Fourth Department the rest of the week.  It took me an hour or two to glance at his desk, which is just across mine, and see that it was empty.  I checked the calendar; he was not scheduled any days off this week.  Weirdest of all, no one really has spoken about him being "gone."  Well, I did eavesdrop on another co-worker (actually, she was in the same department as him) talking to my boss's boss about how things are going to be done "from now on."

There is software we use to keep an electronic data trail about who we called when we are investigating missing information on the forms we work on.  Through looking up forms that we still needed to work on, he was here, working, up to Wednesday afternoon.  Apparently, he's not working at my company anymore.

No, I did not see this coming.  I have noticed, as I was working back there, that there were some things that he didn't do right.  But so what?  I'm not perfect, either.  I get a list of errors from my boss from time to time.  Meanwhile, I also noticed that his personality didn't exactly mesh with others.  He seemed totally fine with his co-worker and everybody else who worked back there, but sometimes he said something that was met with raised eyebrows.  That reminds me of a longtime co-worker at The Main Department who was fired (I want to say earlier this year, but it could have been last year), and even though I still don't know why, she was given a public warning or two, and then we were told through e-mail to keep an eye out for her in case one of us sees her driving back into the parking lot.  In America, you can't be too sure.  This guy?  He doesn't seem to be a gun-toter, but he is a guy, so who knows?

Yes, those two had, um, distinct personalities, but so do I.  Unless something happened on Wednesday that necessitated an immediate firing, I don't understand why what apparently happened happened.  So, if it is work- or production-related ... well, there's no reason to think that this sudden firing can't happen to me as well.

And you know, I see signs that I could be fired.  My supervisor on a couple occasions yesterday/Friday and/or Thursday seemed pissed at me that I asked her questions.  Basically she told me that I should know to do this and that.  I didn't.  And, I thought it was alright for me to ask her questions.  But she seemed annoyed, and that makes me wonder: Did she have anything to do with his firing?  And if so, would she turn on me if she got tired of me, too?

Oh, another thing: I could have left earlier yesterday/Friday than I did.  I finished up most of work well before my eight hours were up.  But I decided to leave some end-of-day stuff till the very end of my day, and in the meantime I was intently listening to the Euro Match between The Netherlands and France.  And then I took my afternoon break to eat the muffin Mother made for me.  By the time I got back, there were some e-mail replies that came in.  I did them, and I was past my eight hours.  Hey, it's part of the job.

You know, there's another thing: I overheard my supervisor talk to my boss about wanting to stay late to listen to trivia.  That's another thing I do: Listen to trivia on the radio.  That comes on the tail end of my day, and sometimes I don't clock out until after trivia because I put off shutting everything down till after that.  Does my boss hate that?  I know he has ways of forensically investigating my computers.  I think he can tell when I'm interacting with work programs and when I'm not because I am either listening to trivia on the radio or going to the break room.  And we have been told that we can be monitored, so they know when I'm on the Internet.  Which is basically all the time.

Shit.  My time is up, isn't it?  If he can be blindsided out of a job, I can, too.  Why couldn't I?  Fuckin' A, man, I need to step up my looking for a job game.  And stat.

Friday, June 21, 2024

I Might Be Having A Heart Attack

So I was back working back in The Fourth Department to see my co-worker, who has been at the company since time immemorial, not there yesterday/Thursday.  Didn't think he was taking any days off.  Moreover, I noticed an hour or two into my day that his desk looked eerily empty.  That should be an impetus for me to start looking at other jobs.  I won't say he was perfect as his job, but neither am I, and if something ... uh, unexpected and not his choice happened to him, the same thing could happen to me.

But I'm not worried about that right now.  For one, I'm lazy and I caught myself doomscrolling through my evening again.  More importantly, however, is that I am feeling heart palpitations and a hard-beating chest again.  I have felt bouts of this for a long time.  I think I started feeling as though my chest would burst open as early as freshman year, in fact.  But I have been feeling this way for about a couple days now, and I don't remember feeling this hard, this heavy, before.  Also, my skin is tingling, especially down my left side.  I am feeling aches in some parts of my body I don't usually feel aches in, and I have scratched myself a lot more the past couple days than before.

Weird as this sounds, I think this is a sign that I need to exercise, and hard.  If my blood is pumping, it might that I use that pumping to work my body.  Or, I am having a heart attack.  And if so -- well, you're seeing my notes about it here.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

This Is Why I Am Only Intimate With Strippers

Blow-ups with my parents are few nowadays, thank Buddha.  All-out fights between them and me?  Can't remember the last time we had one.  But I do get annoyed from time to time.  Just take last night.

I was awakened by my now-typical post-dinner nap by them after they took their now-typical post-dinner walk around the block.  After putting on my clothes, I went out to see Father at the dining room table and Mother standing up next to the kitchen counter.  I was still groggy because they interrupted my sleep, which was obvious.

And then Mother said, "Why are you taking a nap?  How are you going to bed tonight if you are taking a nap now?"  And I know she has asked something akin to that before, but I had no answer.  And because of that, in my mind, my only comeback I could think of was, "Shut up."  Instead, I think I stammered out a "Don't you mind," or something like that.

I thought Father said through my bedroom door that he needed help picking something up, like a heavy bag of rice.  No; there was a document and a UPS package laid out.  It's something that has to do with their investments, I think.  They wanted to know if it was filled out correctly, which I think it was.  Then, they needed to find a UPS dropbox.  I don't know -- why would I ever need to use them? -- so I needed to use their cellphone to look up the nearest UPS dropbox from home.  And I was still freakin' damn tired -- I hate getting woken up -- but I went on the UPS website and it brought up a bunch of locations that didn't seem to be very close.  The closest one had an address of 111th St., and we live nowhere near a 111th St.

Right then, Mother said, "Why aren't you using Google Maps?" and I was just about trying of her crap, so I snapped at her, "If you know so much about finding a dropbox, why don't you look it up yourself?"  But I did, and even though I didn't feel as though I could trust those results either, I think the closest one is just below 694.  Mother thanked me in a sarcastic way, and I went to back into my room to try and fall asleep again and fail to do so.

I have taken to heart the adage that in relationships, you ultimately revert back to what you know.  What I know, or remember, are drag-out (and only very occasional knock-down) fights between my parents.  I knew that is what I would probably do if I ever deign to have a girlfriend.  But I realized I am broken in a different way after reflecting on my reactions to what Mother said.  Her comments are triggers, things that have pissed me off for as long as I can remember her saying stuff like that, and I have been rubbed raw, to the bone, as I feel I have had to deal with it all my life.  In particular, I hate hectoring questions from her about stuff I don't know, and also her telling me I'm doing something wrong and I should be doing it another way instead.  If I ever get into a relationship, and she asks me a question about something I don't know or tells me I'm doing something wrong and I should be doing something else instead ... well, I think I probably will snap at her.  And, if I'm being completely honest with myself, I could do worse.

It's what I know and what I've learned.  And I think I've known that in the back of my mind because I have never had an intimate partner.  Well, not an emotionally intimate partner.  I can line up physically intimate partners if I want to spend the cash.  And I have.  And once they're done jacking me off, I usually leave, because I don't ever want to get into a situation where I am abusive.  Or violent.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Nope, Still Haven't Cleaned Up Room Yet

I've been meaning to clean up my room -- sorting out my stuff, going through my mail, throwing things away that I can throw away -- for ... well, guess I've been meaning to all my life, but I had intentions for the past couple months now.  But I haven't gotten around to it.  I can tell you that as soon as I am done eating, I don't do that chore but instead lay in bed and start scrolling through my phone.  I scroll through my phone a lot, but it's only been lately that I understand how much of a grip it has on me.

I just read an article on Yahoo! (don't know how old it is) that there is a movement amongst people, especially Gen Zers, to ditch smartphones and go back to "dumbphones," those phones that, you know, mostly act like phones.  Those things are still around.  But the truth of it is, the people who have gone back in time swear that they are less anxious and more present because they're not distracted by all the applications on a smartphone.  That makes total sense, and yet I can't believe I can live without it.  Then again, I am Gen X, so I have lived up through my thirties without a smartphone, so I think I can revert back to my, uh, feral days.  That might be what I need to start paying attention to cleaning up my bedroom.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Fuck It, The Car's Broken Again

For some time now I am hearing a quick rattling underneath the hood while I drive.  It's there, then it's gone.  It usually happens when I jerk the steering wheel to the right, but it goes away.  However, as I was driving to the Black Hart today, I heard it when I took a right turn and again when I was accelerating.  Heard it again when I was driving between the cities from the Black Hart to Brit's Pub (I saw the Turkey-Georgia Euros Match at the former and the Portugal-Czechia Match at the latter) and switched lanes to the right.  I didn't hear it when I drove home, but I was careful not to accelerate too hard.

I'm still trying to take this car till late July, more than a month from now.  But I'm scared as hell that the rumble I hear gets more frequently, and/or lasts longer, and I won't freakin' make till next month.  And then I'm scared if the rattle is actually something for which I'll have to shell out a ton of money.  Again.  Goddamn, cars are a luxury.

Expenses Without Receipts

Starting from Monday, June 17:
  • Let's actually take it back to Sunday, June 9 ... despite my misgivings, I got to *****y's place in the afternoon like she rescheduled.  Her dog was jumping at me, which wasn't good since I entered her place with my cock out.  Also, I think I walked on some of the dog's piss.  Plus she was hastily trying to pack for her trip to Los Angeles with her son.  Oh, and she was afraid her son would be coming home while we were getting down.  But once she was able to reach him and know that he wouldn't be home from his trip for some time, I reclined in bed and she wanked my dick until I finally came.  She started cupping my balls, and having her warm hand cradle my testicles felt more erotic than the handjob, to be honest.  She's an expensive HJ giver, though: $150.
  • To Saturday the 10th 8th, where I worked on my receipts at Diamonds with a bowl of beef chili and a can of regular Coke.  With tip: $10.
  • And then to Friday the 7th, where I went to south Minneapolis and got double-teamed by ******e and ... not ***e*, but ******e's other friend, *****a.  I don't think she's a stripper, and I definitely believe she doesn't do ... what we do.  Her lack of experience, and maybe her reluctance, was on full display.  I noticed that as she was taking her shirt off, *****a kept her panties on, and while ******e was whacking me off, *****a did nothing more sexual than bite m right nipple.  I'm not worried about it; I can understand if she was nervous.  She looked down at my penis, so my dream goal of introducing one new woman to my genitals every year remains apace.  I just wonder if we do this again whether *****a will take a more, uh, active role.  Anyway, I spent the same amount of money than if this were ******e and ***e*: $240.
  • To replenish my energy I went to one of the great taco places nearby where ******e, Pineda Tacos.  They're great ... except that I continue to eat their sauces even though they're so damn hot.  I don't have a spicy tongue.  I'm sure other people could drink those sauces, but they're so powerful to me that I have to stop eating.  Stuff that's too hot simply aren't edible.  And yet I feel obligated to eat everything I paid for.  I charged my meal of two tacos and a can of Coke, yet I still needed to extinguish the lava I poured down my gullet, so I paid for a bottle of Mexican Coke, which I summarily finished in my car just as I drove off.  That Mexican Coke cost: $3.54.
  • Finally, back on Sunday, May 26, after seeing Southampton beat Leeds in the EPL Play-Up Game, I wanted to stay out for a little bit more before going home, so I went back home through the side streets and found 56 Brewing.  Neat place tucked away at a somewhat industrial, somewhat bucolic part of outer Minneapolis.  Also, I liked that I was able to sample a cute dollop of a beer.  The glass and the beer were both nice.  And with tip it cost me a manageable: $4.
Glad I had something to write about.  Good through June 17.

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Weekly Minnesota Sports Survey

#-1: Lynx (Last Week: -1).  Put away The Bastard Utah Starzz/San Antonio Silver Stars in Las Vegas by 14 on Tuesday, and I seem to be totally wrong at them steamrolling to the WNBA title this Year.  (Chelsea Gray's absence has been bigger than I thought.)  It may have been the perfect Win for the Lynx, if there is such a thing.  All five starters scored in double digits, and reserves Dorka Juhasz and Natisha Hiedeman provided role production off the bench.  They then gutted out an 81-76 Win over Los Angeles at home on Friday.  They still lead the Western Conference by, I guess, 1 1/2 Games over overachieving Seattle (and Las Vegas, meanwhile, is 6-6!).  I will push this Lynx above negative numbers if they can climb over the two teams that have better records than then right now, Connecticut and New York.  Otherwise, this appears to be a very, very good club.

Busy screening Week for the team, but they get to finish off a four-Game homestand against the Wings tonight/Monday night, Atlanta Wednesday, and Phoenix Saturday.

#-2: Twins (Last Week: -3).  By all measurements this was a splendid Week.  Getting home cooking for one-and-a-half Weeks, Minnesota cruised to a 6-1 record, the only Loss being a 5-4 setback Tuesday to Colorado in which Caleb Thielbar and then Cole Sands melted down, and even then the Twins scratched out two Runs in the bottom of the Ninth to make it close.  But they won the series over the Rockies anyway, then swept all four tilts vs. The Bastard Philadelphia-by-way-of-Kansas City (and soon-to-be Las Vegas) Athletics over the weekend, including a Doubleheader yesterday/Sunday because Saturday's contest got rained out.  Carlos Correa has been on a heater lately, but the return of Royce Lewis this Week has paid instant dividends.  And by the way, the City Connect uniforms are growing on me.  They look nothing like the standard template, but if you see other clubs' City Connects, they don't either, and it feels as though these jerseys are supposed to be radically different.  (The Boston Red Sox City Connects are yellow, for God's sake.)

The only problem is that, despite their hot streak, the Twins remain in third in the American League Central Division.  They're now only five Games behind Cleveland and a 1/2-Game behind Kansas City, but the pre-season prognostications have been wrong and the Guardians and Royals have come to play this Year.  At least the upcoming screening Week seems there for the taking: They host struggling Tampa (can't remember the last time I could say that) for three beginning tomorrow/Tuesday, then hit the road for three over the weekend versus the Athletics in the squad's final visit to that shithole originally called Oakland-Alameda County Stadium.

#-3: United FC (Last Week: -2).  I understand that they have nine players from the senior squad gone due to international commitments or injuries or other excused absences.  But The Seattle Sounders are not a good team, and the Loons at least still have a decent team with Robin Lod coming back and a Head Coach who has shown he can make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

This was a prime chance to get a Point out of Lumen Field for the first time in franchise history.  That did not happen; they lost, 2-0, in a Match that, at least on the parts I watched on Apple TV, wasn't that close.  They have now lost all nine Games at Seattle, including (and especially) The Western Conference Final back in 2020 where they blew a 2-0 lead and lost.  Adding insult to injury (or injuries), Devin Padelford got knocked on his head and is being evaluated for a possible concussion, Michael Boxall (of all people) turned his ankle and had to leave the Match, and call-up Moses Nyeman got red-carded in the 90th Minute.

They now sit in fourth place in the West as they double up this screening Week: Wednesday MNUFC are in Dallas, Saturday they host Austin.  Looking on the bright side, Will Trapp will be back from paternal leave, Joseph Rosales will be back from suspension, and D. J. Taylor may also return.  And not a moment too soon.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Heat Brings Danger, In Many Ways

There is a Heat Warning for the Twin Cities that began at 1 in the afternoon and is supposed to last until 7.  Being as old and feeble as I am, I avoided outside as much as I could/can.  I slept off much of the afternoon in my bed.  (I was able to do that because I, indeed, did go out today.  Last night Father wanted me to buy some Arby's for lunch today, and so I took the opportunity to go to the Black Hart to see the Netherlands beat Poland in the morning Match at the Euros.  If I am using money for one thing, might as well use it for another.  And I got home before the Heat Warning).  I drew in the blackout curtains to keep out the heat as much as possible.  Nevertheless we finally relented; the air conditioning is on for the first time.

I always think things get a little ... more dangerous in the heat.  They say that crime goes up when it gets hot.  Not only am I worried about my health, I'm worried about my car, even though it's given me no problems lately.  Meanwhile I had to turn off 60 Minutes.  Great journalism, but the first story is about how The Federal Bureau Of Prisons is in horrible shape.  And the second story is about how "The Godfather Of Artificial Intelligence" is worried that AI is going to take over the human race.

This is supposed to be a lazy Sunday and I am busy shutting myself off from the world.

Sucks Being An Organizer

I had volunteered to ask whether my fellow alumni can buy tickets at a group rate to our alma mater's football Game here in October.  I obviously got flooded with ticket requests -- from people I know and from people I don't -- and while I love the enthusiasm, the ticket rep I spoke to on Friday noted that there might be a flake factor when it comes to collecting money.

So instead of getting money and then sending it to him in exchange for tickets, he suggested an e-mail link whereby I don't need to collect any money because everybody's getting their own.  However, amongst other issues, it'll be more expensive to do it this way.

I just e-mailed everyone about my dilemma.  I hope I don't get slammed for being wishy-washy.

Man, this is what I get for being an organizer.  This is what I get for trying to do something.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Five Euros 2024 Group Stage Matches We Cannot Hear On SiriusXM

I am working today/Saturday in place of Monday in order to help a co-worker who had to make an emergency road trip out of town.  I am looking forward to hearing the Euros 2024 soccer Matches, today and all the days I'm working while the tournament's going on.  Man, being able to listen to live sports makes work a breeze.  And while I like baseball, in recent years I've just been cottoning to listening to soccer, whether it be the EPL from fall to spring or the Euros this summer.

Unfortunately, while there is a tripleheader today/Saturday, I will not be able to hear the first Match of the Day, Hungary-Switzerland, on SiriusXM.  It is one of five Group Stage Matches that I won't be able to hear on satellite radio.  Don't know why that is the case, but those five Games won't be broadcast on FOX or FS1 but the FuboTV streamer.  Now, I don't know why those five are on FuboTV (maybe they're trying to promote the streaming service?), nor do I know why the five Matches airing on FuboTV can't be aired on SiriusXM.

Alas.  Here, for posterity's sake, are the five Group Stage Matches That SiriusXM Won't Broadcast:
  • Hungary-Switzerland, 6/15, 8 a.m. CDT
  • Romania-Ukraine, 6/17, 8 a.m. CDT
  • Turkey-Georgia, 6/18, 11 a.m. CDT
  • Slovakia-Ukraine, 6/21, 8 a.m. CDT
  • Georgia-Czechia (Czech Republic), 6/22, 8 a.m. CDT

Friday, June 14, 2024

Guessed Wrong Twice Yesterday/Thursday

I've been a disciplined, good boy the previous two days in not spending money, and I am working The Fourth Department yesterday/Thursday and today/Friday, so I thought I would splurge a little and get breakfast.  But I was bedeviled by one question: Drive-thru or go-in?  That question is the result of another question: Should I crack my windows open during the workday so I can get some fresh and maybe cooler air or not?

My OCD is all over this.  See, I have rolled down my windows more days than I would like.  I still have bad memories of my old car's passenger's-side rear window coming down, breaking and staying down, so that I needed to tape it up until I could get the mechanism fixed.  However, I will crack my windows during the day if it's sunny and hot enough outside.  I go to sleep in my car, and even though it is often difficult, I try to sleep in there when it's hot, so it helps if I keep the air circulating.

Problem is that the forecast called for increasing sun throughout the day.  However, it was pretty cloudy when I went to work in the morning.  So, do I crack open the window and continue my long streak of something I don't want to continue and thus aggravating my disorder, or do I keep the window closed and potentially cook myself to death in the afternoon?

The clouds in the morning, plus the forecasts online saying there will be lingering clouds till about 1, made me think it would still be cool enough for me to be comfortable sleeping in my car with the windows closed.  So I will not roll the windows down and thus will be able to break the window-cracking streak.  That also dictated, thus, that I would not go through the drive-thru because that obviously entails me rolling down the window.  So I parked my car and went inside ... where it was a busy shitshow, the server directed me to the self-serve kiosk instead of ringing my order herself, and I wound up reporting to work three minutes on a morning where I thought I left the house early.

Oh well, at least I will be comfortable in my car when I take my lunchtime nap.  However, the clouds parted around noon, and there really wasn't a cloud in the sky once the rays hit Earth.  So, when I went to my car for lunch a bit past 1:30 ... it wasn't a crematorium, but I was hot, much hotter than I was comfortable feeling with no cracked windows.  I may have fallen asleep for a tad because I did lose track of time.  But I sure as hell wasn't comfortable.


I got a $5 ticket for Bad Boys: Ride Or Die (mindless fun; don't go for the logic, go for the boom-boom stuff and the banter between The Fresh Prince and Martin), but when I decided to see it after work yesterday/Thursday evening it didn't occur to me that 24kGoldn, a singer-rapper with whom I share our alma mater, was going to be at the 7th St Entry that evening.  However, there was time for me to leave the theater and head downtown to at least see him as the main act.

The problem is, Do I want to?  He has that song, "Mood," that I like, but I know of no other songs from him.  That being said, I have gone to concerts for musicians and bands for whom I know only one song.  Ultimately, though, even though I started driving toward downtown, I did not support my fellow alum and did not go.  I convinced myself of a few things: That there would be no free parking downtown because the Twins Game was going on; from what I could glean on the Internet he would be taking the stage at 9 and be done at 10, and I was going to be able to get there around 8:15, and I felt I would be too tired to wait around a small shack of a concert venue to see him; and, finally, there were alumni-related e-mails I thought I needed to answer in the evening, because there was a chance that I would be so tired coming from a concert that I would just go to bed and sleep immediately.

Only later, when I was ensconced on my bed, did I realize that I would have just looked at the First Avenue X/Twitter account for start times for the show.  24kGoldn's setlists for his current tour have largely not been reported or uploaded onto, which is where I saw the solitary setlist entry having him getting onstage at 9.  But, according to First Ave, his main show was scheduled to start at 8:15 -- which, actually, may have been so early that I would have missed the start of his act, not waited an hour to see it.  However, if there was a chance that I would see a free parking spot if I drove down there ... yeah, maybe I could've made it.

Well, at least I didn't crack the windows yesterday.  Here's "Mood":

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Hottest Babe In The Hooters Calendar: May 2024

I haven't spent too much time looking at it, but I must say, May 2024 is a very, very impressive month for the Hooters calendar!  There are only ten waitresses here, but I think seven of them stand out.  And frankly, if I did this blog post tomorrow, I would probably rejigger the order different from what I am listing them in now.  Maybe I would have formulated something more solid if this were hanging on the wall all May, but alas.  Herewith, in ascending order, are my picks:

In seventh place is Selena, hailing from Pembroke Pines, Fla.  It's unusual to see a Hooters server here with shaggy hair like she does here, but that's a good thing.  She is wearing a yellow two-piece with no shoulder straps.  She's in three-quarters profile, so her hands, which are being held out in front of her to catch the water of a spray, hides some of her body.  But her wide smile makes up for it.  She kind of looks like Zendaya, to be honest.

In sixth place is Gabby, out of Odessa, Fla.  Blue two-piece bikini held together with gold-looking links, long, dark blonde hair.  Typical blonde babe.  Kind of reminds me of Sydney Sweeney, but smaller breasts.  But hey, if I had someone who looks like her serving me at a Hooters, it'd make my day!

In fifth place is Phoenix's Mya.  Orange two-piece with, uh, gold clamps on parts of the top and bottom.  She has long, curly black hair, and her face and big tits look quite familiar to me.  I think she's been in the Hooters calendar before, and I think I've cited her before as well.

In fourth place is Brittany, of Mesa, Ariz.  Red two-piece bikini whose top is cross-strapped.  Not much of a smile, but dang it, I'm a sucker for a redhead, and she's got a long, luscious heap of it.

In third place is Lauson -- hmmm, unique name -- hailing from Sarasota, Fla.  Dark purple two-piece, long, dark and straight hair.  It's wet, so it's clinging all over the sides of her face and her shoulders, but instead of it being messy, it makes me think she got into a sexy tussle of some sort that made her sweat.  Add her nonplussed look and the fact that's standing straight at the camera, and the pose is a winner.

In second place is The Main Girl, Iliana, out of North Tampa, Fla.  Long, wavy dark brown hair that rests on her shoulders.  She is grabbing the bottoms of her green two-piece bikini while standing knee-deep (I think; I can't see her knees) in a pool.  She's totally dry, but no matter; her Mona Lisa smile and the way her chin seems to be slightly up more than you usually would see from anyone posing (at least that's what I think) makes me want to prove my love for her.

Finally, in first place is Natalie, of Westminster, Colo.  Very long, wavy brown hair (with blonde highlights) that reach her ass.  And speaking of ass: She's posing with her left side to us, but that lets us see her ass, which is more than half uncovered out of her brown bikini bottom.  She has a patterned, long-sleeve top, but since she fulfilled my killer rule of showing ass, she's #1!

So congratulations to Natalie and to all the other babes in the month.  I shall now masturbate to all of you!!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Now My Psychotherapist Says I Should Push Myself

So last week I was able to speak with my psychiatrist because my work schedule allowed me to get out of work early.  Sometimes, frankly, I struggle with figuring out what to say to him.  I want to talk to him.  Sounds bad to admit this, but I don't really talk to my friends or family about my struggles or worries.  It's my shrink that I speak to.  Have done it for many years now.  But sometimes things are so good that I, well, struggle to talk about things.  That's partly why I only speak with him sporadically.

What I came up with, the thing that I'm "struggling" with right now, is finding another job.  My rush to leave my current job has cooled, mostly because of insouciance and inertia.  My friction with my boss has abated, even though it's not because we solved anything; it's because there has been such little work that I haven't been able to accrue overtime to finish the work I need to finish, and therefore my boss hasn't yelled at me over OT in a month or more.  I should look for other work anyway, not only because this issue could rear its ugly head if work picks up but, somewhat paradoxically, I need to find a job that gives me more to do than what this one has been able to give me all year so far.

But I haven't looked in a while, and that's the problem that I mustered enough effort to talk to my therapist about, even though, to be fair, I raised this issue with him when I was really considering leaving my job.  I admitted to him that I haven't looked lately, however.  To which he ... well, he didn't snap at me, but he was more forceful with me than he ever has with me before on any other subject I have raised with him.  He said that my boss and this company don't value me, that I am worth more, and that I should look for another job that helps me fulfill my potential.

I hear him ... but I don't hear him, you know what I mean?  This reminds me, sadly, of the times Father would talk to me about going back to school or finding another job.  I understand I could potentially put myself in a better place but ... man, I just don't have the energy.  Father hasn't done that with me in years.  Maybe it's because he finally realizes it's not working, or that he's just happy I have full-time work, or that he's just tired in general.  So it is kind of jarring to hear my psychotherapist essentially take over Father's job, especially when I have spoken so much about Father to him, and usually not in a positive light.

And, bottom line, I probably won't do anything about leaving this job unless things get really, really bad there again.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fuck PWHL Minnesota

Well, there was between a smattering and an undulating river of boos when Ken Klee took to the podium -- after undermining and assuming Natalie Darwitz's role as General Manager of PWHL Minnesota.  I shouldn't talk since I had the opportunity to go there and decided to go home after watching The Fall Guy instead at the theater (by the way, it's the perfect summer movie, go watch it).  But I was hoping for a torrent of boos, and maybe someone bringing in a javelin, wrapping his or her or their PWHL Minnesota jersey around it, setting the damn thing on fire, and aiming -- not at Klee, but at the stage, somewhere near the podium, far enough from the podium that everyone could easily get away from the fiery projectile, but close enough to the podium to get everyone on there to jump.

Alas, that was not to be.  Also alas, it got worse.  In the Second Round, Klee (or Kendall Coyne Schofield, possibly the real puppetmaster) selected Britta Curl, a Forward out of the University of Wisconsin.  I did not know this until X/Twitter informed me, but apparently she has supported social media posts advocating for transphobia, promoting COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and defending police brutality against Black people.  This, mind you, coming from the Professional Women's Hockey League, a league that has many, many members of the LGBTQIA+ community playing on the ice.  And don't forget, since this is Pride Month, the PWHL itself has recast its logo in rainbow colors.

X/Twitter isn't real life.  But by God, you should see the venom coming from local fans.  Or used-to-be fans, as a lot of people are done with this team after drafting Curl.  I was done with this team after they backstabbed Darwitz.  But I am really, really done with these fuckers now.  And if we Minnesotans have any goddamn spine, the events of last/Monday night should mean everyone else is done with this shitty franchise, too.

Monday, June 10, 2024

I'm just gonna say this: There has been talk about Joe Biden needing to talk less about how much Donald Trump sucks and is going to become a dictator if America votes him in as president, and instead hyping up his record when it comes to the economy, unemployment and minority rights issues.  I say I don't need that, and if you're smart, you don't need that, either.

Yes, voting for Biden because Trump's the other guy is more than a sufficient reason.  Hell, it should be the only reason.  Have you listened to what Trump's been saying?  He's trying to install himself as president-for-life ... whenever what spills out of his mouth makes any goddamn sense.  The guy's a walking shitshow.  And you're thinking of voting for him, or not voting at all?  Holy shit, we're looking at the end of democracy in our country and you're looking at shit on TikTok.

Don't blame The Media for this.  A lot of it is doing a crap-ass job, but many are doing a fantastic job, and they're doing their damndest to get the word out about Trump's lawlessness and incompetence.  It is now up to you, The Citizen, to actually (man, I hate this phrase but I can't think of any one better) do your own research and find out for yourself how dangerous and unhinged this piece of shit is.  And if you don't, The Death Of America is on you, pal.

The Weekly Minnesota Sports Survey

#-1: Lynx (Last Week: 0).  Hey, have you noticed what Kayla McBride is doing?  She used to be a solid third option (at least I think) behind Napheesa Collier and Diamond Miller.  But with Miller still sidelined for the foreseeable future, McBride has not only taken up the Robin role to Phee's Batman, she is shooting the shit out of the ball, especially from deep.  She went off for 32 Points in defeating Seattle at Target Center last/Sunday night, 83-64.  And she shot the last shot in Friday's 81-80 Loss at Phoenix a Fourth-Quarter double-digit lead.  Is it possible she can get consideration of league Most Improved Player?

Along with Wednesday's 24-Point demolition of the Sparks in Los Angeles, the squad's 2-1 Week keeps them atop the Western Conference by a Game over ... Seattle?  Las Vegas has played two fewer Games than both the Lynx and the Storm, but they're sitting at 5-4 after losing their second straight contest yesterday/Sunday.  They play at The Bastard Utah Starzz/San Antonio Silver Stars tomorrow/Tuesday night, then host L. A. Friday.

#-2: United FC (Last Week: -1).  The Loons had nine people called up for International Duty, more than any other team in Major League Soccer (even though I saw Puerto Rico International Zarek Valentin on the bench for Saturday's tilt vs. FC Dallas, I don't know what that's about).  I was shocked that MNUFC is the XI with the most players playing for country, and not the Galaxy or LAFC.  Along with injuries and excuses for personal reasons, eleven players on the first team were unavailable.

In cases like this, I guess the goal is to just pray and get a Point.  And that's what United FC did, a 1-1 tie with the Hoops (which, apparently, wasn't good enough for FCD, for they fired Manager Nico Estevez last/Sunday night).  I'm not happy that they blew a 1-0 lead off a really good around-the-horn Goal off a Corner Kick, but everyone seems relieved that got something out of the Match.  What is notable for us Minnesotans is that, with the help of four call-ups the day of the Game from their reserve squad MNUFC2, four native Minnesotans were on the pitch playing for the home side: Starters Devin Padelford and Caden Clark, and substitutes Patrick Weah and Keith Romanshyn, Jr.  (Romanshyn and Morris Duggan were the two call-ups who appeared in the Match; the others were Alec Smir and Molik Jesse Khan.)  It was kind of scary to see on the big board that the Loons had only seven subs total.  But hey, it worked out.

And hey, they remain in third place in the Western Conference as they will head out to Seattle to face a Sounders club that has historically mastered them but are pretty bad this season.

#-3: Twins (Last Week: -2).  I think it was Athletic writer Aaron Gleeman noting that the Twinks' season basically has been alternating winning and losing streaks.  It's very unfortunate that they're in a losing skid now.  They started off the screening Week getting swept in The Bronx by the Yankees, which means they have swept all six Games from the Twinks and, yes, made them their bitches again, and then lost the first two Games in Pittsburgh before the Pirates seemingly was forced to use a really bad Relief Pitcher named Ben Heller to start the Tenth Inning.  Heller allowed six Earned Runs and plunked at least three Twins batters on the way to Minnesota's 11-5, ten-Inning Win.

It feels as though different parts of the squad are taking turns sucking.  Right now, tenth-Inning surge notwithstanding, that part is the Offense, which got blanked by the Pirates Friday and Saturday.  And now they remain mired in third place in the American League Central Division behind Cleveland and Kansas City.  Royce Lewis is back, but at what point do you start to panic?

What could fix what ails the team is one of their big homestands.  They host Colorado for three starting tonight/Monday night, then host the soon-to-be Bastard Philadelphia/Kansas City/Oakland Athletics for four beginning Thursday.

#-Infinity: Minnesota (Last Week: Rise Above All).  Oh, my fucking God, I am such a stooge.  I can't believe I got suckered into following and then buying a ticket for a league I hated for its sordid origin story just because I'm a sad and desperate Minnesota sports fan.

In case you don't know, this past Week, General Manager Natalie Darwitz was let go by the single-entity league.  No reason was initially given, and beyond that, it's pretty fucking weird that the GM of a championship-winning team suddenly leaves, right?  After some digging, it has been revealed that Darwitz and Head Coach Ken Klee were at odds all through the season.  Many of the veterans of the team -- and Kendall Coyne Schofield was singled out in particular -- sided with Klee.  No one's still sure for the reason for the riff, or if there was some power struggle going on.  But at the end, league management offered Darwitz three options, none of which were staying on as GM.  None of those options were leaving, either, but that's exactly what Darwitz did.

There is a black hole when it comes to information.  Anonymous sources revealed the rift.  Other anonymous sources have Darwitz's back, both within the locker room and, just as important, the front office.  Finally, the PWHL burped out a statement saying that Darwitz's, uh, removal resulted in an investigation headed by a third-party human resources company, which tells us nothing about why she was removed as GM.  Finally, late last/Sunday night, Darwitz released a statement thanking everyone for their support and asking everyone to continue to support the league.

Fuck that.  Fuck it all.  'Cause this is some bullshit, and this stinks to high heaven.  I want someone to fucking stop hiding behind background and put their name on what the fuck is happening here.  (Non-disclosure agreements are a bane to the truth, I can tell you that.)  With information still at a trickle, I have no problem speculating based on what little I do know.  Klee has his players on the team, and they, such as Kendall Coyne Schofield (KCS), are the best players in the league and the sport.  It has been revealed that the person Klee replaced as Head Coach mere Days before the start of the season, Charlie Burggraf, stepped down because KCS and other players on the team didn't like him, despite the pabulum Burggraf said (or was told to say).

I'm setting up a scenario that KCS and others (that may include Kelly Pannek, which gets very complicated since she, like the ousted Darwitz, are native Minnesotans, and we are getting very, very provincial when it comes to the treatment of local legends) backstab their way to power.  And I think I'm right.  Remember that KCS and others (including Hannah Brandt, another Minnesotan like Darwitz) looked down upon the NWHL/PHF until they found a sugar daddy in Mark Walter to buy the league, fire every player and staff member, and take possession of all the assets and intellectual property like goddamn parasites.  Despite all their talent, it never sat well with me that, instead of helping along a league that was picking itself up by the bootstraps and making a go of it, they just moved in on something they didn't even create and now act as if they've owned it the whole team ... and, if I may add, act as if the NWHL/PHF never existed.

The Professional Women's Hockey League has a clusterfuck on their hands, and it's of their own making.  And complicating all of this is that the PWHL Draft is being held at the Xcel Energy Center tonight/Monday night.  If we Minnesotans have any conviction, any balls, we would be screaming at the top of our lungs, "Where Is Darwitz?" and catcalling our own team.  Will we?  Well, I'll admit that I'm too tired to attend.  But the PWHL is banking on Minnesota fans to continue to follow them because ... well, I don't know, maybe because we're The State Of Hockey, or that this band of ringers and bullies got this state its first title since the Lynx won in 2017, or that we're pliant and stupid.  I hope that we show the league that we're not sheep.

As for me, not only will I not attend, but I will not attend a Game so long as this hollowed-out league exists.  And I'm not going to put this fucking team or league in the WMNSS anymore.  This goes beyond giving the team a free pass because they won it all this year.  This is a league that was born from and continues to engage in cutthroat machinations, and I want no fucking part of it.  And I am kicking myself because I got suckered in to giving this toxic brew a chance.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Goddammit, she confirmed -- confirmed!! -- that she was going to wank my cock this afternoon.  And then this fucking morning she says she needs to put it off a couple hours.  She says it's because one of her regulars wants to take her and her friend (both of whom have double-teamed me once or twice) out to lunch and is willing to pay her bill.  The other stripper girlfriend is celebrating her birthday.  You know it's her birthday; you couldn't anticipate this regular coming down for the weekend and doing this, especially if he's coming down from an hour away??  Bullshit.

She never came off as a flake to me until very recently, and now it's been, like, three times she's done this shit.  I'm going to wait till the afternoon because I'm horny af, but I hate getting strung along like this, I absolutely fucking hate it.

A Four-Day Weekend Next Week Becomes A Three-Day Weekend Now

I'm so bad with days off from work.  This is a pretty big illustration as to why I need to do better.

So this basically started with one of my co-workers, one of whom has the same position as I do, needing to take a surprise road trip, presumably to see family.  I was told this by my boss, who, in order to cover the days she'll be gone, proposed that I shift my workweek that week one day down.  Instead of working Monday through Friday, I would be working Tuesday through Saturday (my old schedule when I started out working at this place) instead.  That's fine; I'm a company man!  (Actually, I'm not.  I should be looking for another job right now, but I've just gotten too lazy because there has been no overtime for me to work, so there has been no blow-up between me and my boss that would propel me into searching want ads.)

We get a shared calendar where everyone in the departments I work in can see who is taking which days off.  It's summer, which means, at least for our company, at least one person is off every day until Labor Day, seems like.  Also, I have recently learned of a new policy whereby only a maximum of two people can be out of the office each day.  I have been using a lot of paid time off this year, which is odd.  And yet I am confronted with the possibility that I won't use any paid time off this summer.  We can carry over only 40 hours of it into next year.  If I am forced to work this summer, I would then be faced with a situation where I have to find days off in the fall to get under 40 hours for the year.  I can do that, but really, with how I hate my job right now, I need a day off here and there during the summer or else I will mentally crack.

So, as I peruse this calendar, I see that June 18 is completely blank.  There is no co-worker who wants that day off.  And I check into the future and see that at least one person is gone every day till around early August.  That's way too far for me, so even though I have nothing to do, I asked to take that day off.

Unfortunately, I realized that that was the week my co-worker will be out of the state.  My boss' proposal made me think that he needed me to work all five days, and I just asked for the first day, that Tuesday, off.  I e-mailed my boss a day or so after my acceptance of his proposal basically apologizing for my oversight.  But he actually said taking that Tuesday off is not a problem; he just needed to make sure that Saturday was taken care of.

OK.  So that means that next weekend I have Saturday through Tuesday off.  Cool.  I can stay in, I can go out, I can wake up whenever I want to, and I can maybe line up my hoes to fuck.  Sky's the limit since I lucked into a mini-staycation.  But it was some time early last workweek where I checked the calendar again (I do so just because from time to time) and see that I am not working tomorrow/Monday but am working Saturday.  In other words, the brief Tuesday-to-Saturday workweek is not next week, but this week.  I thought that was a mistake; I mean, if it was supposed to be this week (and I understand that I last week ran down the above events that happened, so the workweek shift would be next week, but you know what I mean), my boss would have corrected me when I said that I could work Tuesday the 18th after all to fill in for my co-worker.  But I went back to my boss' initial proposal and, sure enough, he spelled out the workweek which he wanted me to work Tuesday through Saturday.  It's this week, and he did tell me.

So instead of having a four-day weekend next week, I work Saturday, probably don't go anywhere next Sunday because it's Father's Day (even though I could see myself getting out of the house if Father annoys me), work Monday, then have Tuesday off.  I alternate working and not working.  Some schedule, huh?

I am super bummed about the ruined four-day weekend, but I am very, very disappointed with myself for not getting my damned dates right.  I obviously didn't check the details on this, and I have been careless with dates for other things for some time now.  With that being said, I have to remember that I am in the middle of a three-day weekend right now.  Yesterday/Saturday I went to Bauhaus for a DJ party and had a beer under a sunny sky, with temperatures that were warm but by no means hot or humid, and surrounded by fucking gorgeous women everywhere I looked.  Also yesterday/Saturday, *****y texted me to confirm that I am going over to her place today/Sunday so she can give me a handjob.  I am going to have lunch by myself at Burger King, where I am going to use points that will expire July 1 on a free Whooper.  I will hopefully have the energy to go to a park and exercise.  I get to Zoom with a friend tonight/Sunday night.  I get to stay up because I don't have to work tomorrow/Monday.  And, tomorrow/Monday I should be able to watch a movie in the afternoon.

It's not four days, and I didn't even plan it, but I have to look at the positives.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

People Not Obeying The Rules Of The Roundabout/Circular

So at the best and closest Target near me (there is one that might be closer to me, but they still don't have self-checkout, and it's a slow clusterfuck, at least the last time I went there, so I avoid it), they reconstructed the street outside it to add a modified roundabout/circular.  It's hard to describe how it's modified, but most of the traffic on this true two-way out of Target is shunted to the right, so if you want to go left, you have to basically make a U-turn through the roundabout/circular, like I did just now.

Once you're in the roundabout/circular, you keep moving until you get to your exit.  That means that if you reach the roundabout/circular, you need to yield until there's space to enter it.  I have now seen assholes not obey that rule twice.  Second time happened just now; I think a White chick in a white car went right into it behind a car that did yield, like they had a green light.  She was immediately taking a right right out of the roundabout/circular, so I honked her ass as I moved past her.  The first time happened some time ago; the guy in the old white sedan, who also went in right behind someone who obeyed the rules, had a bumper sticker that said either "It's a Plandemic!" or "It's a Scamdemic!"  Hate my decision, but I decided not to honk at the Republican psycho.

Look, it's a narrow residential street.  But because there's a Target there, the traffic before this reconstruction was a shitshow.  This roundabout/circular is needed.  Now, reactionary bitches are rebelling by not following directions.  Goddammit, I almost got into an accident, especially just now.  That better fucking not happen to me.

On The Search For Bedsheets That Won't Tear

So a few weeks ago I think I tore through my bedsheet.  I think I have blog posted in the past of how I haven't trimmed the nail on my right pinky toe in years, ever since I started wearing the pair of Doc Martens previous to the one I'm wearing now.  Well, I think I tore through that one as I was moving my foot around while I was in my bed.  Didn't believe it at first, but I finally looked down and saw a tear about a foot long in the sheet.

Thing is, this is the second sheet I have torn through.  First time, maybe two years ago, it was my finger.  I don't think my fingernail was that long, let alone sharp.  But I moved it on top of the sheet and "RIIIIIIIIIIIIIP!!!"  For both, I tried sleeping on the bedsheet until the thought of my foot or hand going through the bedsheet and potentially tearing through the mattress made me too scared to not change them.

I had three.  With this one needing replacement, I'm down to one.  So, obviously, I need to buy at least one.  But what kind?  I looked at review sites The Wirecutter and The Strategist.  Do you know how freakin' damn expensive bedsheets are?  Most of the ones recommended are at least $150!!!  Are you kidding me???  Oh, and they always come as a set -- a fitted sheet, a flat sheet, and two pillowcases, all matching.  You should see my bed: The bedsheet I sleep on and the cases I have on my two pillows look totally different from each other.  One of the pillowcases, which I got from Grandmother, has a drawing of a pig.  Why do the pillowcases and sheets have to match?  Who else is going to see this besides me -- and some of the time my eyes are closed because I'm sleeping.  Also, I don't use a flat sheet.  What's that, a second blanket?  I already have one blanket.  I don't need another.

Anyway, there is a budget option both sites recommend, and luckily (this isn't always the case), it's the same sheet: The 400 Thread Count from Threshold, the generic brand for household items from Target.  Thing is, the two bedsheets I tore were from Threshold/Target.  Now, could it be that Target sells different number-threaded sheets of their generic brand?  If so, I'll check closer; maybe the ones I tore didn't have enough threads in them.  But if they are the same, I'm just buying the same damn rippable bedsheets I bought before, plus I'll have a flat sheet I'll never use and two pillowcases to add to the 15-20 I already have.

But, I need a backup bedsheet.  Maybe I can find just a bedsheet.  I thought I bought the two I tore without any flat sheet or pillowcases.  But maybe I was wrong.  Maybe I'm wrong about deciding to buy this at all.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Stay At Home? No. Sexytime Jag It Is!

Despite probably not having the money to do so, it has been a while since I've gotten my pee-pee touched.  And it always seems as though invitations to stripper parties coincide with booty texts from my stripper girlfriends where they go, "Hey, I'm lonely, you wanna cum over?"  Now, in times like these I also get a little horny, so I might also be texting my stripper girlfriends where I go, "So, you wanna jerk me off or what?"

I am in that spate now.  It actually started from a text I got from ***u** Tuesday afternoon, whom I haven't heard from in a long while.  She has teamed up with her usual partner in crime, ****e, to host a party at this guy's place in north Minneapolis.  It's fun times.  Unfortunately, it was last/Thursday night, and after all the nights I've gone out and spent money this week, I really, really just wanted to veg out at home.  Also, ***u** owes me $50 because she was desperate for groceries for her children, and I don't feel comfortable seeing her for anything until we address that.  I usually have fun times with her and ****e over there, but this didn't seem to be the right time.

I was going to text another of my stripper girlfriends, ******e, if I could drive down to south Minneapolis this weekend so she can give me a handjob.  Well, she texted me out of the blue Tuesday evening, telling me that her partner in crime, my beloved ***e*, will be in town from Wisconsin.  I owe those two a double team, and neither one of them owes me money, so I arranged an appointment.  I really wanted Sunday afternoon, but ***e* is back on the road by then, so even though I really wanted to stay in, tonight/Friday night is it.

(Something changed, however.  After work yesterday/Thursday ******e asked me to call her, which is something she has never asked me to do.  It was important-ish: ***e* cannot make it.  However, she still wants to double-team me with another one of her friends, someone I have never met.  ******e says her friend is cute and that she is down for whatever.  I am leery, but I need to expand my options of whores.  Plus, I am perverted as fuck right now, so I said yes, I'll accept the substitute.)

And on top of that, I texted *****y Wednesday night to see if we could get together this weekend, too.  She is the hot one where we have missed connections a few times now, most recently a couple weeks ago.  What might help facilitate a tryst is that I have Monday off -- how I realized that should be the subject of my next blog post -- and in fact that would be ideal.  However, after saying I had both Sunday and Monday free, she immediately told me to come over Sunday at 12:30.  It's a date.

You know, I just realized that because of my dick, I am going to spend money, and a lot of it, today/Friday and Sunday, two days I had hoped and initially planned on staying home and not spending any money.  I'm in a desperate quest to see if I can still get it up, and if I can still derive pleasure from sexual contact.  Hope so, and I hope the money's worth it!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Got Burned By SeatGeek ... In A Way

I just checked my e-mail ... finally got an answer back from SeatGeek.  He just reiterated that the promo code is a one-time use one, so that I need to find something that costs at least $151 that I can use.  Oh, and he totally ignored what the other SeatGeek rep said, that I was able to use that promo code more than once if an event I wanted to pay for cost less than $151that I was able to use that promo code more than once if an event I wanted to pay for cost less than $151.

I am upset.  I was told that I could break up the credit into more than one event, and I'm told that I can't.  I will remind this person who just e-mailed me that his co-worker told me something different -- what the hell happened?  But ... now that I think about it, maybe this won't be that much of a problem.  You see, my alma mater's football team has a huge Game to kick off their season in Las Vegas Labor Eve.  My parents have a place there.  Flights to Vegas are plentiful, and they might be reasonable, even if it is a holiday.  And tickets are more than the $151 threshold I need to use that promo code.  It might be financially feasible to take a quick jaunt out to Vegas to watch my college football team and use the promo code, especially if I can catch a break on the price of the ticket.  In that sense, getting the credit broken into two or three pieces would in fact be unwieldy because I then would've needed to find two or three events for which to use them on, and I can't guarantee I would be able to find them.

Still, I've been misled, and I have to yell at SeatGeek about that.  Unfortunately there's nothing I can do, I'm afraid.  This is the company that holds my MNUFC season-ticketholder account.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Another Week Where I Went From Getting To Do Nothing To Needing To Do Everything

This week I'm not in The Fourth Department.  I work from 7 till 3:30 every day.  Just like old times.

When I have that shift, I usually don't get stuff to eat before coming into work.  And when I don't get stuff to eat before coming into work, I am more likely to just drive home from work, stay in and not spend money.  That is what I need to be doing these days.

But am I doing that?  Of fucking course not.  To be fair, I was going (and went) to last/Tuesday night's USWNT Friendly versus South Korea (er ... Korea Republic), so I was spending money then.  I wasn't going to spend money Monday, but when my boss texted me that I was going to work at a different department, I thought the change necessitated a mocha and oatmeal from this place I like in order to adjust.  For today/Wednesday I thought I could go to work and then home, but then my therapist said he could talk over the phone after work.  I can't talk to him at home, so I will go to a park to speak with him instead, and if I'm starting my car up more than two times a day, I might as well start up my car four or five times that day and go somewhere.

Tomorrow/Thursday I thought I had nothing.  But that's when the NBA Finals start, and I'll be damned if I watch those fucking Dallas Mavericks on the TV after they beat the shit out of my Timberwolves.  I'm so irate I would rather go out somewhere than be tempted by turning on the television and watching.  And I also thought I had nothing on Friday, but out of the blue, ******e let me know that ***e* is back in town and want to double-team me.  I haven't had my pee-pee touched in a long time -- so much so that I was actually thinking about texting her last/Tuesday night to see if she had any free time for some sexytime -- so even though I don't want to go out on a Friday night, I will for this.

One of these days (well, probably tomorrow/Thursday) I want to just go to work and then home.  I am so exhausted today after staying up and then watching soccer in the pouring rain.  I don't know how I can keep up such a jetset lifestyle at my advanced age.  I will need to take it easy next week ... right?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I Need This Fucking Trash Day To Be Over

So I woke up before work yesterday/Monday morning from a text from my boss that puts me in a different department for the day because someone called in.  That's fine; my job is to be a jack of all trades, so shifting jobs at the drop of a hat is part of the job description.  The problem started when I was told to sit at a desk that I wasn't expecting.  It's not mine per se, but it's the spare one I and the others who have the same job description usually use.  But I couldn't use it because my supervisor is still training in one of the people who share this same specific job as I have.

Instead, I had to sit at the desk of the person who called in "sick."  I hate taking over a person's desk, even though this is a company where that happens from time to time.  I have a desk of my own.  Not many people in the departments I work in can say that, and that is a privilege I don't take for granted.  (Actually, it's one of the few perks I get at this job that I still enjoy.)  I would be bothered if someone just fuckin' bogarted my desk just because.  It may be out of necessity, but I invaded my co-worker's space, and I was not happy all day.  And, to be honest, I hated the setup of his area.  He has no space for me to write, which I had to do constantly during the workday.  And I had all these calls I needed to make, and somehow he has his desk phone so recessed against the partition that I had to strain whenever I made a call, which was about 30 times.  That was an annoying pain-in-the-ass.

Finally, since I was in a department I hadn't worked in in a while, there were a few different protocols I had to follow.  I was told about these new procedures, or at least I believe I was told about them; I just hadn't put them into practice because I hadn't worked in this department in a long while.  One of them were these phone calls.  I would normally do my best to skip them, or at least half-ass them, but I was told that my boss and his bosses were cracking down, so I needed to do them.  So that was 30 calls (more than I have ever made in a day while working for this company), and 30 times I had to reach out to the phone, grab the receiver, make sure I don't drop the receiver so it snaps back to the console, reach out to punch the number in, wait for someone to pick up, and once I was done, put a tick mark on a Post-It (to keep track of how many calls I made, which is something I was told to do when I began training, to be fair) and reach out to put the receiver back in the cradle.  That took half of my day.  I know that in this job I could have been way more productive doing something else that making some goddamn calls.

Moreover, I was told that some quirk I just ignored during the course of my workday suddenly became important.  Sometimes we fax, and sometimes these faxes don't go through.  We are given these e-mails saying so, but I just ignored them because I was never told to care.  Well, apparently I do have to care now.  I need to go through the e-mail, identify which specific fax it was, determine if I was the one who faxed it, then figure out what to do to make that fax go through.  I needed to do that three times.  I wound up e-mailing instead of faxing twice.  Do you know how much time that took?  That is another distraction from the main task of this job, and I am embarrassed that I basically spent only half a day doing that main task, and instead building up all these forms to pass on to my co-worker, who may or may not have the time to do it herself.

Finally -- and I haven't thought about this much, even though if I were in a different mindset this would be the thing that triggers me -- my supervisor was trying out something for the printer, and we were told to look out for it while going through the course of our day.  I wanted to know who was doing it and why, and I asked my supervisor so.  And from around the corner, my boss, who I think was on his phone talking to a co-worker, I think shouted in answer to my legitimate question, "Doesn't matter!"  Uh, excuse me?  At that point I was already in a pissed-off mood, so my mood didn't change.  Did it worsen?  Believe it or not, I might have to think about it.  But let me say this: If I weren't so busy doing other things tonight, you better believe I would be pounding the online want ads again.  And I hope to get around to doing that this week.

I can't remember a day at this job where I was so looking forward to getting out.  Unfortunately I had to come back to the building because I forgot to fucking take the banana and peach Pepsi I brought.


About that banana: I just ate it -- with a knife so I could carve out the bruised parts.  I sliced off a piece on its side, but the banana was so heavy that it tipped over and tore off.  Thankfully I was eating this over the kitchen wastebasket.  Sadly, about 60-5% of the banana fell into it.  Most of it looked like a banana, too.  What a waste.  And I will admit that I thought for a good, oh, 15 seconds to pick it up and eat the parts that haven't touched the trash.  But I didn't, I swear.


Oh, and I wanted to go out and work on the things I needed to work on last/Monday night.  I wanted to go to Pryes Brewing because there were no events going on.  But when I drove across the place was packed.  I guess there was an event: It's a Monday night and it was beautiful out.  So I drove to Caffetto (which was not packed, which surprised me; I didn't plan on going there because I thought it was going to be packed) and did all I needed to do.

And then, as I reached home, the goddamn low tire pressure light came on.  Yeah, this is what I get for trying to blow off some steam by driving around town.  I rushed out to check the pressure on the tires, even though I checked them just before I left work.  The driver's-side front had way more air than the passenger's-side front, but all of them had enough air.  I went inside to grab my headlamp and tried again, just because -- same pressure levels.  And then I lost the valve cap to one of the tires.  Luckily I had a spare cap in my car.

I'll get the old valve cap (and make it my spare) as I roll down the car in the morning.  That's after I check the tires to make absolutely sure none of the tires deflate.  If so, this fucking trash day is going to become a fucking trash streak, and I don't need that shit, even though I'll text my boss to say I'm late because of my car, and that means I won't have to go into work, and that's actually fucking fine by me.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Weekly Minnesota Sports Survey

Rise Above All: PWHL (Last Week: -Infinity).

OK, I was totally wrong about these women.  I thought they were fucking dead in the water after that screwjob-turned collapse last Sunday at the X.  But they regrouped Wednesday (ah, yeah ... I was totally thinking that Game 5 of The Walker Cup Finals was on Tuesday, the same Day as the Woofie Dogs, but, uh, I fucked up) and they trounced PWHL Boston in Boston, 3-0.  They outshot them, 44-17.  They held Boston to only three Shots in the Third Period.  Where the fuck was this dominance last Sunday?

Yeah, so congratulations to them.  I'm climbing back on the bandwagon; I admit it.  I have to give credit where it's due.  I still don't like the underhanded origins of the PWHL.  But frankly, after seeing the Woofie Dogs go out like little bitches on Thursday (see below ... way below), I just want to follow any fucking championship team that's from here.  And placing this at the end of a long line that includes the Whitecaps several Years ago and the Lynx from 2011-7, it's obvious that when it comes to winning championships, you don't send a man out to do a women's job.

Now, the next big thing to decide in the league are team names.  There appears to be solid momentum behind the name "Purple Reign," for obvious homage reasons.  I still think Whitecaps is the only name.  The PWHL has bought the assets, there is equity in the name (people flocking to the PWHL are apparently unaware that the Minnesota Whitecaps have been around for twenty fucking Years; we're the State of Hockey, so of course we would have women's hockey before everyone else), and I think it's a better name than "Purple Reign."  But beyond that, the players and, I guess, Billie Jean King should ask themselves two questions: 1) Do you really want your name to be a pun? and 2) Do you really know if Prince was ever a hockey fan?

Guess it doesn't matter.  By my rules with the WMNSS, a Minnesota team that wins a title is spared getting ranked until they finish a season short of a championship.  I won't be talking about what dumb and disrespectful name they pick here.

#0: Lynx (Last Week: -1).  First, an aside: People are noticing that Caitlyn Clark and The Indiana Fever have played 11 Games while The Bastard Utah Starzzz have played only six.  Weird.  Our Lynx have played eight Games so far, and while they got crushed by The Bastard Utah Starzzz/San Antonio Silver Stars at home by 14 Wednesday, they responded with home victories over Phoenix and The Bastard Detroit/Tulsa Shock.  And technically, they remain ahead of Las Vegas because the Lynx have the same number of Losses but two more Wins.  With Diamond Miller sidelined indefinitely, by the way, Kayla McBride has shot out of her mind lately.

This Week: At Los Angeles and Phoenix, then home to Seattle.

#-1: United FC (Last Week: -2).  I get that two-Match Weeks are clusterfucks.  Losing at LAFC 2-0 on Wednesday?  Never great, but it's a road Game vs. a good opponent, OK, shit happens.  They did come home Saturday and took care of business, handling woeful and last-place Sporting Kansas City, 3-1.  They're still a good side; they're behind Real Salt Lake and Laugh-See and tied with the Galaxy on Points (although they are ahead of LAG technically because of Points Per Game).  And hey, Tijuana took Emanuel Reynoso, so he's their problem now!  Saturday they host FC Dallas.

#-2: Twins (Last Week: -3).  By percentage, the Twins going 5-2 this screening Week had a better Week than both the Lynx and the Loons.  Winning three-of-four at home versus a resurgent Kansas City outfit, then going to Houston and taking two-of-three over the stumbling and suddenly mortal Astros (when's the last time the Twins won a series over those guys?) should make for a hell of a Week.  Unfortunately, at least for this survey, I'm looking at where teams are in the standings.  And unfortunately, as Minnesota has gone 7-3 in their last ten Games, Cleveland has also gone 7-3 in their last ten.  Which means the Twins are still six Games behind the Guardians in the AL Central -- and they're two Games behind the Royals still.  Didn't expect the Division to become so competitive.

This screening Week they visit the Yankees for three beginning tomorrow/Tuesday, then finish their long road trip by playing a weekend trio at Pittsburgh.  Hmmm ... when's the last time they've played the Pirates in Pittsburgh?

#-Infinity: Timberwolves (Last Week: -Infinity).  Hey, at least they won a Game, right?  Look, the Mavericks were a deceptively deep team, and they have two superstars in Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving.  But what about us?  What happened to the stifling Defense?  The Woofs were the deeper team, and they have a superstar in Anthony Edwards.  More importantly, we had home-court advantage.  It is downright a fucking disgrace that they went out like that in Game 5, that they lost in five Games, and that they lost all three home Games in this series.

What now?  And don't give me this "the start of something great" bullshit.  Like Kirby Puckett said, tomorrow is not promised to anyone.  This is a deceptively old club (Mike Conley might retire; Rudy Gobert is 31), and they're in salary cap hell.  Karl-Anthony Towns is coming under withering criticism for not playing like a superstar this series, so it might be him and his onerous contract that get shipped out to alleviate the tax bill.  Obviously this year's squad wasn't good enough this year, but how will next year's be different, and better?

None of us can predict the future.  That's why it was so goddamn important to seize the opportunity now.  And that is why I am so pissed off.  Minnesota should have beaten Dallas.  I am in unstinting belief in that.  And they let their chance go and disappear into impotent vapor.  This franchise might never be this good or this close ever, ever again.